Southeastern Giving Day - Give Green! Go Gold!

Project PULL Mentoring Program

project pull logo

Project P.U.L.L. (Promoting Unity through Leadership & Learning) is a program that enhances the educational experience for freshmen of color through mentoring, leadership development, service and fun activities. Designed as a continuing orientation initiative, the goal of the program is to facilitate holistic development and progress towards graduation. 

Project P.U.L.L. was founded by Dr. Eric Summers, Southeastern’s current Vice President of Student Affairs, in 2002. 

Project PULL assists students in the achievement of academic and life skills by providing positive role models, promoting interaction with faculty and staff, and, introducing leadership opportunities. Mentors act as a source of information, support, and referral service, assisting mentees with navigating the challenges of a college transition.

group of students in a classroom posing for a photo

Connect with Project P.U.L.L. via email at [email protected] and via Instagram at @sluprojectpull.

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