Violence Prevention

Domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault are prohibited at Southeastern Louisiana University and satellite campuses.

Southeastern Louisiana University is committed to maintaining a safe environment that is conducive to learning in which no member of the University community is subjected to power based violence, sexual misconduct, or any form of abusive behavior.

The University will not ignore any act of power based violence, sexual misconduct, or abuse and encourages individuals who suspect that they have become subject or witness to such an act to contact the University Police Department (985-549-2222).

Power Based Violence & Sexual Misconduct Policy

Every member of the community should be aware that the University prohibits domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, cyberstalking, sexual misconduct, assault and harassment as defined in the Sexual Misconduct Policy.

Immediately after an assault:
We encourage you to report the act of violence immediately; you may call:
University Police at (985) 549-2222 or call 911, if off campus
• Preserve all evidence of the incident. Do not bathe, wash your hands, brush your teeth, eat, smoke, and refrain from urination.
• If you are still in the location at which the crime occurred, do not clean or straighten up or remove anything as this could contaminate the scene and investigation.
• Write down all the details you can recall about the incident and the offender.
Seeking Medical Attention: (e.g., EMS, Urgent Care)
  • Receive help for physical injuries
  • Screen for STDs/pregnancy.
  • Hospital staff can collect evidence using a rape kit.
  • If you suspect you have been drugged, request that a urine sample be collected to preserve evidence.
  • If you want to file a police report, you can call the police from the emergency room.
  • Ask about the nearest rape crisis center.
Following an incident:
  • Recognize that healing from an act of violence takes time. Give yourself the time you need and know that it is never too late to get help.
  • Know that what happened was not your fault.
  • Recovery is an ongoing gradual process.
  • Take care of your physical and emotional well-being.
  • Talk to a counselor. The University Counseling Center is available for you at no charge for enrolled students. They are experienced in helping individuals who have been sexually assaulted. They are familiar with the physiological and psychological effects that traumatic events cause. They can help you work through your emotions and teach you coping skills.
  • Try to eat well, get enough sleep, and exercise.
  • Reach out to your personal support network of friends and family.
Again, remember that it was not your fault and you are not alone.

Complaints of misconduct against a student may be filed by any member of the University community.

It is important to know that you have the right to report or not report crimes of violence; however, we strongly encourage you to report acts of violence and harassment such as sexual assault, rape, physical assault, hazing, sexual harassment, and stalking immediately.This helps to provide a safe environment for you and others on campus.

Reporting Options:

  • Call University Police, 985-549-2222 or call 911, if off-campus.
  • All members of the University community are encouraged to contact the Title IX Officer, 985-549-5888, if they  observe  or  encounter  conduct  that  may  be  subject  to  this  policy.
  • Submit a complaint/report to the Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability, Report It!.
  • A  complaint  of  sexual  misconduct  when  a  University employee  is  the  accused may  be  brought  to  the  Human  Resources Department,(985) 549-2001, which will promptly inform the Title IX Officer of the complaint.
  • An individual may report alleged sexual misconduct to a Responsible Employee or any employee serving in an administrative role at the University.  Responsible Employees must report the incident to the  Title  IX  Officer.  No  employee  is  authorized  to  investigate  or  resolve complaints  without  the  involvement  of  the  Title  IX  Officer.  Responsible employees shall include all administrators, unclassified staff, and resident assistants.
  • Individuals  who  choose  to file anonymous reports are  advised  that  it may  be  very  difficult  for  the  University  to  follow  up  and / or  take  action  on anonymous reports, where corroborating information is limited.
  • University Counseling Center  is available for you at no charge for enrolled students. Confidential Advisors are not be obligated to report crimes to the institution or law enforcement in a way that identifies an alleged victim or an accused individual, unless otherwise required to do so by law.
  • For confidential help 24/7, Contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline 1 (800) 656-HOPE (4673) or visit RAINN.

Understanding Confidentiality:

When considering reporting options,  complainants  should  be  aware  that  certain 
University  personnel  can maintain strict confidentiality, while others have mandatory
reporting and response obligations.

Not all campus reporting authorities, i.e. Resident Assistants, Area Coordinators, Faculty, Staff, UPD, Counselors, Healthcare Professionals, are equally confidential and fall under three categories; strictly confidential, mostly confidential, and anonymous.

Strictly Confidential. These resources offer services under the strictest of confidence; nothing will be shared without your written permission, except in extreme circumstances. An exception is when the health provider believes that you are a danger to yourself or others, i.e. suicidal or homicidal tendencies.

Strictly Confidential Resources on Campus: The following individuals are not required to report information about an incident to the Title IX Officer without a complainant’s  permission. Non-reporters  include  physical  and  mental  health professionals, including licensed counselors who provide mental health counseling to members of the University community and those who act under the supervision of a health care employee.• The University Counseling Center is available for you at no charge for enrolled students, call (985) 549-3894, located in the Student Union Annex, North Entrance.• University Health Center, 985-549-5718, located in the Student Union Annex, South Entrance. • For confidential help 24/7, contact the National Sexual Assault Hotline 1 (800) 656-HOPE (4673) or visit RAINN.

Mostly ConfidentialEmployees  Who  Must  Report – Responsible  Employees.  A  responsible employee who receives a report of sexual misconduct must report to the Title IX Officer  all  relevant  details  about  the  alleged  sexual  misconduct  shared  by  the complainant.  A responsible  employee  should  not  share  information  with  law enforcement without the complainant’s consent, or unless the complainant has also reported the misconduct to law enforcement. These resources are kept confidential, but may be required to share information to specific campus authorities; i.e. UPD, Housing, OSC, so that they may perform their duties, offer resources, accommodations, and/or take action to provide a safe campus environment. If you are concerned about confidentiality, ask the person you want to talk to first about his / her obligation to disclose information you share.

Anonymous. Anonymous reporting is an option through the University Police Department, but should not be used in emergency situations. Learn more about Anonymous Reporting.

Any student of the University community who is alleged to have engaged in sexual misconduct
or any abusive behavior will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in Article
VI of the Student Code of Conduct.

Order of Conduct Process:

  1. Complaint received
  2. Conference with complainant / victim
  3. Notice of Charge sent to respondent
  4. Disciplinary Conference with respondent
  5. Formal Hearing conducted
  6. Notice of Hearing Outcome*
    *In cases of sexual assault and/or physical violence, the complainant shall also be informed simultaneously of the determination.
  7. Option to Appeal

In disciplinary proceedings, the University affords additional rights to student victims of acts of violence and harassment such as sexual assault, rape, physical assault, hazing, sexual harassment, and stalking / cyberstalking:

1. To be informed of available accommodations both on and off campus (i.e. notified of available counseling, changing academic and living arrangements);2. To have a campus no contact order against the alleged student;3. To have a hearing board comprised of representatives of both genders;4. To have unrelated past behavior excluded from the hearing (i.e. irrelevant prior sexual history);5. To testify with special accommodations (i.e. by phone, behind a screen, video, etc.);6. To have no direct contact with the accused student during the hearing (i.e. questions from the accused student would be posed through the Board Chairperson and then relayed to the victim or an appointed Confidential Advisor may speak on the student’s behalf);7. To provide questions to the Board Chairperson prior to or during the hearing that she/he may incorporate those into questioning the accused student;8. To be informed of the names of all witnesses who will be called to give testimony;9. To have an advisor present at all proceedings; in cases of Title IX offenses, a Confidential Advisor is required.10. To request a recess during the hearing;11. To be informed of outcome of the discipline process, simultaneously with the responding party;12. To appeal the Hearing Board’s decision as defined in Article VII, Section A of the Code of Student Conduct.

The University affords the right to request accommodations to student victims of acts of violence and harassment such as sexual assault, rape, physical assault, hazing, sexual harassment, and stalking; which may include:

  • Change in academic classes
  • Change in residential living arrangement/assignment
  • Transport or escort on campus
  • Counseling / Advocacy Services / Confidential Advisor
  • Academic Advising
  • Health Services

Please contact the Dean of Students office or the Title IX coordinator.

Friends and family can offer support by listening, keeping the victim company, walking to class, or going to appointments.

Campus health centers can provide health services and help find additional health resources.

The University Counseling Center provides free counseling services to enrolled students.

Local rape crisis center staff is experienced with how to help you. They can help you make choices about reporting an assault, joining a support group or finding a counselor.

Bystander Intervention: Anyone witnessing an act of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking should take safe, positive action to prevent harm or otherwise intervene. Examples of safe, positive action include, but are not limited to contacting the police (such reports may be made confidentially) and assisting the victim to a safe location away from the harmful person or event. Because situations vary from one incident to the next, no comprehensive list of actions can be provided, but bystanders are encouraged to act in a manner which is not likely to escalate a situation or bring harm upon the bystander.

 Additional Resources:

Become an active part of the solution at Southeastern!

Fill out the Report It Form

1Government, U. S. (2014). Not Alone. Students. Washington, DC. Retrieved from
2RAINN, ©. (2009). Help a Loved One. Washington, DC. Retrieved from
3University, S. L. (2014). Southeastern Student Handbook. Hammond, Louisiana, USA.
Retrieved from