Support Staff
In order to properly stage events, many PPS Support Staff must coordinate and communicate
to ensure success.
In many cases, carpenters are involved to hang banners and signage and setup tents.
Electricians are responsible for providing power and monitoring services where necessary
during events.
Sound, mics and speakers are set up through the locksmiths and are also maintained throughout
an event as requested.
For larger events such as Homecoming, mechanics will be involved to provide golf carts
for transportation throughout the event area.
HVAC is responsible for servicing the heating and air conditioning systems.
Controls will be involved when special scheduling requests for heating and air conditioning
are received.
Movers provide delivery and staging of tables, chairs, etc.
Custodians provide services per request.
Grounds perform exterior asthetics to landscape designs and cleanup as necessary.
Prior approval for tent usage must be granted by Alumni Director, Mrs. Kati Morse
LeBreton. Tent requests locations must be identified and specific as dig permits
are required when ground will be broken for securing purposes. Plan design layouts
are prefered for permit documentation.