Property Control

Property Control is located on 2400 North Oak Street thru University Avenue on approach to North Oaks Park Main Entrance immediately located after crossing bridge.

This department is responsible for maintaining the control of all Southeastern movable property.  If we can assist you in any area dealing with moving or transferring Southeastern property please do not hesitate to contact or fill out the appropriate form and forward to us. 

Our Mission

The Mission of the Southeastern Property Control department is to identify, mark, inventory, and dispose of all non-consumable, moveable property with an original acquisition cost of $1,000 or greater, or with a fair market value of $1,000 or greater, in accordance with the laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Louisiana.

Surplus Assets

To deliver or view surplus, please call Mary Lopinto at 549-2205 or email [email protected] to set up an appointment.

Surplus Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.


Richard Himber, Director of Property Control
[email protected]

Mary Lopinto, Administrative Program Specialist A
[email protected]

Katherine “Kat” Schepker, Administrative Coordinator
[email protected]

Contact Us

Property Control & Supply Building
2400 North Oak Street

SLU Box 10784
Hammond, LA 70402

(985) 549-2205

[email protected]

Richard Himber, M.B.A.