Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

Top 10 Employee Duties

  1. Comply with all procurement laws (LA R.S. 39:1551-1771), rules, regulations, executive orders, policies and procedures concerning the purchase of goods and services.
  2. Remember price comparison is needed for purchases over $1,000, and up to $10,000 competitive fax or written quotations  required for purchases in excess of $10,000, and competitive sealed bids for purchases in excess of $25,000.
  3. Divide no purchase to a smaller purchase under $10,000 to avoid bid requirements or to reduce a purchase to a lesser bid solicitation requirement.
  4. Receive prior written or verbal approval from the Purchasing Department on all purchases of goods and services over $1,000 up to $10,000 unless delegated a higher purchasing authority level by Southeastern policy or the Director of Purchasing.
  5. Submit descriptive, functional or performance specifications for all quotations and competitive bid solicitations that outline the requirements and criteria for determination of low bid award.
  6. Sign no contract or agreement for the purchase of goods or services that obligate the University without specific authority delegated by the President or the Director of Purchasing.
  7. Obtain office supply needs through the Southeastern Bookstore located in the Student Union or, 985-748-7000.
  8. Follow guidelines and secure special approvals for purchases of food and beverage by faculty, staff, departments and student organizations.
  9. Receipt  in a timely manner in the Financial System quantity and condition of goods or performance of services.
  10. Refer often to Purchasing Department Home Page on ” Purchasing Guidelines“.