Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures

  1. 85,000 square feet
  2. Cardiovascular equipment: treadmills, bikes, rowers, and elliptical cross trainers 
  3. Selectorized weight equipment: pin-loaded and extremely user-friendly
  4. Plate loaded/free weights with urethane plates and easy grip handles
  5. Indoor track, offers a beautiful view for jogging, running or walking (8 laps = 1 mile)
  6. 4-court gymnasium available for basketball, volleyball, or badminton
  7. One racquetball court
  8. Men’s and Women’s dry saunas
  9. Two multipurpose studios for group exercise activities
  10. Two classrooms for meeting or event use, including a full kitchen.
  11. Spacious locker rooms with rental lockers


An individual who is 18 years of age or older is eligible to join as an individual member. Individual members may add additional household members ages 16+.


  1. At each sign-up, ALL individuals MUST provide a valid/current photo ID card and verifying identification for the appropriate membership classification that he/she is joining.
  2. Each individual must complete a Southeastern Recreational Sports and Wellness Membership Agreement and Release of Liability
  3. Upon renewal, you will complete a membership renewal form, provide updated contact information, verifying information (i.e. driver’s license, utility bill [gas, water, or electricity]) for household members, and the initial member MUST renew BEFORE additional members.

*Current high school photo ID cards are ONLY accepted when presented with a certified birth certificate for that individual.

MEMBERSHIP CATEGORIES (Click here to view membership fees)

  1. Southeastern Students – ALL currently enrolled students in good standing during the Spring, Summer, and Fall Semesters are admitted with their current/valid Southeastern Student I.D.
  2. Non-Enrolled Student – Memberships are available to Southeastern students who are not enrolled in the current semester, but were enrolled in the previous semester.
  3. NTCC Students – are eligible for a non-enrolled student membership rate for all semesters that they are currently enrolled. The student must be in good standing with the University. If a student was enrolled in the previous semester but resigned early, the student is not eligible to receive this rate.
  4. Faculty/Staff – Employees of Southeastern Louisiana University. Faculty and Staff who are not enrolled as Southeastern students must sign up at the Faculty/Staff rate.
  5. Campus Partner – Staff working for a partner or affiliate organization on Southeastern’s campus are eligible for the Faculty/Staff membership rate. ex. Aramark, Follett, Empire
  6. Retiree – Retired Southeastern Faculty/Staff are eligible for this membership.
  7. Alumni – An active alumnus, who is an individual registered with the Alumni Association, is eligible to be a member.
  8. Southeastern Lab School – Household members of Southeastern Lab School students are eligible for the Alumni Membership rate.
  9. Friends of Southeastern – Members of the community who would like to join, but are not currently affiliated with Southeastern Louisiana University as a student, faculty, staff, or alumni.
  10. Senior Friends of Southeastern – Members of the community who are 55 years or older who would like to join as members of the Pennington Student Activity Center, but are not currently affiliated with Southeastern Louisiana University as a student, faculty, staff, or alumni.

For all memberships: Additional Household Members – must present verifying information (i.e. driver’s license, utility bill [gas, water, or electricity]) that confirms residency in the same household as the Initial Individual Member. Additional Household Members may join at the same time as the Initial Individual Member or at any time thereafter. However, Additional Household Members joining later will have the same expiration date as that of the Initial Individual Member.



  1. Check, Cash, Money Order, Visa, American Express, and MasterCard are accepted. Payroll deduction is available for Southeastern faculty and staff employees who sign up for a yearly membership. All checks and money orders must be made payable to Southeastern Louisiana University for the exact amount due.
  2. Memberships are non-transferable.
  3. No pro-rate, holiday, or vacation freezes allowed for any reason.
  4. No membership extensions for any unforeseen circumstances or facility maintenance.
  5. No Refunds.

 Locker & Towel Service

  1. Towels are highly recommended in the multi-purpose rooms, cardiovascular, strength and free weight areas.
  2. Towel service is available on a monthly or yearly basis for an additional fee.
  3. Monthly and Yearly locker rentals are available to all members for an additional fee.
  4. Locker Combinations are given out once a Member rents a locker.
  5. Towels are picked up and returned at Control Desk in exchange for the member’s towel card.
  6. The member will be charged for any damages to a locker. Please immediately report any damages to the Membership Desk.

Locker Renewal

  1. Renewal notices will be sent out approximately ten business days before the expiration of the locker rental.
  2. If the member does not renew the locker rental within five business days of the expiration date, a notice will be placed on the locker asking the member to renew or remove their personal belongings within the following five business days. A second email will be sent out at this time to remind the member that their locker has expired and to offer an opportunity to renew their locker rental.
  • After 10 business days from the expiration of a locker:
    1. Member’s personal items will be removed from the rental locker and personal items will be stored for 5 business days
    2. Once items are removed from a rental locker, the combination will be changed and documented.

**There may be a waiting list for rental locker service.

A parking permit is REQUIRED if parking on campus. The member will be held responsible for any parking tickets received while parking on campus. Members will be given a parking pass each semester that they are participating. A parking permit must be placed in the windshield and is only good for parking in the lot between the facility and the Southeastern Lab School.  Additional Parking is available across the street on North Campus. 

NOTE: All Southeastern students, faculty, staff, and retirees must obtain a Southeastern parking tag from University Police and follow all University Parking guidelines as set forth by the University.

 Conditions of a parking pass

  1. Parking Pass is non-transferable and non-refundable.
  2. Only one permit per vehicle, per semester
  3. Park in WHITE LINES ONLY.
  4. All vehicles must park facing forward. Do NOT back into a parking space.
  5. Valid ONLY for the period indicated.
  6. Parking Pass must be visible on the dashboard while at the Pennington Student Activity Center.
  7. Valid ONLY in the lot, adjacent to the Pennington Student Activity Center.
  8. The Department of Recreation Sports and Wellness is not responsible for damages to or loss of vehicle, its contents or accessories from any cause whatsoever. Please do not leave valuables in view!
  9. Parking Passes remain the property of the Dept. of Recreational Sport and Wellness.
  10. All of the above applies, in addition to the University Parking guidelines, and tickets may be issued if these guidelines are not followed.

For more information about Group Exercise, to schedule an appointment with a Personal Trainer, or for information about our other services, please call (985) 549-5728 or email recsports@southeastern.edu.

 Personal Training

  1. Get the benefit of hands on, one-on-one individualized attention. The Pennington Center has several certified trainers available to assist you in goal attainment and to tailor an exercise program to meet your specialized fitness needs.
  2. All training sessions are scheduled between the trainer and client. The initial consultation includes a fitness assessment performed by the trainer.
  3. All personal training sessions must be used within six months of purchase. After six months, the sessions will be considered expired.
  4. Each session is 1 hour, except for the initial consultation, which is 1.5 hours.
  5. Bring a friend, or three! Our Semi-Private Personal Training session allow for cheaper per-person cost for each session as well as building a social experience with friends.

Group Exercise Classes

  1. As part of your membership, an assortment of group exercise classes, various cardiovascular and resistance training formats are offered weekly.
  2. Group Exercise schedules are available in the lobby and posted throughout the building, as well as on our website.
  • Classes are subject to change based on participation.

Intramural Sports (Current Southeastern Students & Faculty/Staff, and NTCC Students ONLY)

  1. Intramural Sports provide exciting opportunities for Southeastern students and faculty /staff to engage in a variety of sports.
  2. Some of the sports include Basketball, Flag Football, Soccer, Softball, and Volleyball.
  3. NTCC students are required to pay the Pennington Center membership fee prior to participating in intramural sports for any given semester.

Sport Clubs (Current Southeastern Students ONLY)

  1. A sport club is a student organization designed to serve individual interests in different sports and recreational activities. These interests can be competitive, recreational, or instructional.
  2. Clubs compete with other clubs, organizations, colleges, and universities but should not be confused with a varsity sport administered by the Athletic Department. Varsity teams must follow NCAA rules and regulations, are usually fully funded, have paid coaches and athletic trainers, practices and competitions are mandatory, and today’s varsity sports usually require a full year commitment.
  3. Sport clubs often compete with other universities but are not affiliated with the NCAA, the majority of their funds are self-generated, coaches are often volunteers, and the organization and administration of the club is determined by the club officers. Sport clubs operate within Student Affairs under Recreational Sports and Wellness.

Roomie’s REC Camp (Summer Camp)

  1. The summer camp is open to boys and girls ages 6-12 years old. The goal of Roomie’s REC Camp is to provide campers with the opportunity to have fun and gain new friends in a safe environment. Our staff is sensitive to the diverse growth and development needs of school age children.
  2. The Summer Camp is hosted by the Department of Recreational Sports and Wellness. Activities include swimming, culinary activities, and much more.
  3. Summer camp fees are paid weekly, prior to the camper attending camp. Please contact [email protected] or visit our website for more information.


  1. The use of Recreational Sports and Wellness facilities and programs is for the Southeastern Louisiana University Students, Faculty/ Staff, Active Alumni, Retirees, Friends of Southeastern and other authorized members as identified in the membership classifications.
  2. A current Southeastern I.D. or membership card must be presented for admission at the Control Desk each time you enter the facility. An individual who forgets their I.D. card will be permitted in the facility one time each semester with a valid picture I.D. Your cooperation is appreciated and expected at all times.
  3. Your Southeastern I.D. states, “This card is the property of the University and should be retained for ALL years of association or attendance at Southeastern. The University is not responsible for any expense resulting from the loss, theft or misuse of this card. If your Southeastern ID is damaged or lost, a replacement fee will be charged. Altering, lending, or failure to present this card to the University authorities upon request will subject the holder to disciplinary action. If your Southeastern ID is lost or found, it is your responsibility to report this loss to Southeastern Police (985) 549-2222. Unauthorized use of a Southeastern ID may result in criminal prosecution.”
  4. Please follow all guidelines and procedures. If you, as a member, notice anything unusual or out of the ordinary, please notify a staff member.


  1. All facility guidelines apply as well as those listed below.
  2. There is a $10 daily guest pass fee per guest, per visit.
  3. Guests (16+ yrs.) must present a current photo I.D. (i.e. driver’s license; state issued ID).

Age Restrictions

  1. NO ONE under the age of 16 is admitted to the facility or eligible to purchase a membership.

  1. The Department of Recreational Sports and Wellness is customer service oriented; however, there must be customer responsibility as well. The department reserves the right to act on any situation that may arise, which are not specifically covered in departmental guidelines, this material, or any other departmental literature.
  2. The following types of conduct are unacceptable and will not be tolerated: racial slurs, derogatory comments, hate speech, or behavior that is intimidating or threatening to anyone. Please be courteous to everyone and treat each other with respect and dignity.
  3. Use of the Recreational Sports and Wellness facility and programs is a privilege. Individuals who do not cooperate with departmental guidelines and procedures or who act inappropriately toward a University employee or a fellow patron will be asked to leave the facility. You may be denied access to the facility and your membership may be revoked.
  4. Abusive Behavior – Abusive behavior, verbal or physical, toward another patron or an employee will not be tolerated. Staff have the authority to demand unruly members and/or guests leave the facility if their behavior necessitates such action. Examples include, but are not limited to: spitting on floors, vandalism, touching and/or hanging from basketball rims, yelling, fighting, dropping weights, threatening employees or members, and damaging the equipment or facility.
  5. Appropriate Attire – T-shirts with derogatory/offensive language/pictures are not allowed in any areas. Shoes and shirts MUST be worn in all areas of the facility.
  6. At Your Own Risk- Recreational Sports and Wellness Department works has a “use at your own risk” policy.
  7. Cell Phones – Please use proper cell phone etiquette, especially in fitness room, public restrooms, locker rooms, and assisted changing areas. Filming of other patrons and members without their consent is prohibited.
  8. Confiscated I.D. – An I.D. used by an individual other than the owner may be confiscated and result in immediate termination of privileges of all parties involved.
  9. Entry Violation – Admitting a non-member into the facility is a violation and may result in immediate termination of privileges of all parties involved.
  10. Food, Beverages, and Gum- are allowed in the Lobby, rooms 107 and 108 only.
  11. Lost and Found – Inquiries regarding lost and found items should be made at the Control Desk.
  12. Personal Property- It is strongly recommended that all personal property be safely stored in a locker. Rental lockers are available by the month or year.  The RSW Department is not responsible for locker contents.
  13. Personal Trainers – ONLY Recreational Sports and Wellness trainers are allowed to train in the facility.
  14. Pets – are not allowed except service dogs assisting persons with disabilities.
  15. Programs- Scheduled activities will have priority over open recreation. When possible, part and/or all of the facility will remain available for open recreation.
  16. Rental Lockers – are available to all members on a monthly or yearly basis. Please see the Membership Desk for more information.
  17. Rollerblades, Skateboards and Bicycles- are not allowed. Bicycles may not be brought inside the facility. They MUST be locked up in the designated areas located OUTSIDE the facility.
  18. Signs/Fliers- must be approved by the Associate Director and may be posted by the Recreational Sports and Wellness Staff only. Unauthorized fliers will be removed.
  19. SpottersAll free-weight users are encouraged to have a spotter. RSW Staff members are not required to spot.
  20. Theft – the Department of Recreational Sports and Wellness is not responsible for misplaced, damaged, or stolen items. It is strongly recommend that members secure all valuables by locking them in a locker.
  21. Tobacco Products, Electronic Cigarettes/ Vaping, Alcohol and Illegal Substances – are not allowed. Suspected patrons will be asked to leave the facility immediately. Memberships may be revoked. Please be reminded that Southeastern Louisiana University is a smoke free and Alcohol free community.
  22. Vandalism – Any patron vandalizing the facility in any manner (kicking, hitting, writing, etc.) will be requested to leave immediately. Suspected patrons may be held financially responsible for any damage.
  23. Weapons and Firearms- No weapons or firearms of any kind are allowed in the facility. Patrons possessing any weapons will be denied access and University Police will be contacted immediately. Weapons are NOT allowed on any state premises.