Creating the Schedule of Classes

Summer 2021 & Fall 2021

Academic Departments may input their courses and faculty for the Summer 2021 & Fall
2021 semesters after reading these guidelines:

It is requested that all courses be input by March 12, 2021 at 12:30 p.m. so that
the University is prepared for priority registration March 29 – April 2, 2021.


Departments will be unable to manually make changes to the Schedule of Classes after
the March 12th deadline.  You will be notified by email for final proofing of course offerings with rooms


“How Do I “step by step” instructions for building your schedule


In this process, please confirm the following:

  • Confirm your instructors have time to make it from one class to another.
  • Confirm that the room assigned has the necessary equipment.
  • For classes with specific technology requirements, every effort will be made to schedule
    these classes in appropriate rooms.
  • However, due to room limitations faculty should be prepared to have alternate plans
    in case a room with the ideal technology is not available.


In order to avoid confusion among our students, we ask that room changes be made for
emergency reasons only. 

  • Valid reasons to change a room include:
  • double booked room
  • meeting the needs of a disabled student
  • class limit exceeds the room size.


The below instructions were implemented for the Spring 2021 schedule of classes. 


Section Codes

PDF view of course delivery formats

Section codes must be two digits (ex. 01 – 09).  Please use the correct section extension
for off-campus or technology driven course.

 O –
Courses taught 100% Online with NO pre-scheduled days or times to meet.
Example: COMM 211-01O Taught 100% Online with no pre-scheduled days or times to meet

 OF –
Courses taught 50% – 99% Online with the remaining % taught Face-to-Face on campus.
Example: MATH 161-01OF Taught 50 – 99% Online and a portion Face-to-Face on campus

 FO –
Courses taught 51% – 99% Face-to-Face on campus with the remaining % Online.
Example: MATH 161-02FO Taught 51 – 99% Face-to-Face on campus and a portion Online

 V –
Courses taught 100% Virtual on pre-scheduled days and times using video conferencing tools.
Example: COMM 211-02V Taught 100% Virtual on pre-scheduled days and times via video conferencing

 VF –
Courses taught 50% – 99% Virtual with the remaining % taught Face-to-Face on campus.
Example: ENGL 93-01VF Taught 50 – 99% Virtual and a portion Face-to-Face on campus

 FV –
Courses taught 51% – 99% Face-to-Face on campus with the remaining % Virtual.
Example: ENGL 93-02FV Taught 51 – 99% Face-to-Face on campus and a portion Virtual

 X – 
Courses taught Face-to-Face at an off-campus location.
Example: SOC 101-01X Taught at an off-campus site with traditional Face-to-Face instruction

 XOF –
Courses taught 50% – 99% Online with the remaining % taught Face-to-Faceoff campus.
Example: MATH 161-3XOF Taught 50 – 99% Online and a portion Face-to-Face off-campus

 XFO – 
Courses taught 51% – 99% Face-to-Face off campus with the remaining % taught Online.

 XVF – 
Courses taught 50% – 99% Virtual with the remaining % taught Face-to-Face on campus.
Example: ENGL 93-3XVF Taught 50 – 99% Virtual and a portion Face-to-Face off campus

 XFV – 
Courses taught 51% – 99% Face-to-Face off campus with the remaining % taught Virtual.

 TV – 
Courses taught through the Southeastern channel (NOTE: These courses must have Note Nbr 0032 assigned in the Notes page of the Schedule
of Classes. Do not click on the Copy Note button.)
Example: CHEM 101-90TV Taught through the Southeastern Channel


Facility ID

All 100% Online sections should have a Facility ID of “ONLINE” in the Meetings page.

All 100% Virtual sections should have a Facility ID of “VIRTUAL” in the Meetings page.

Notes Section

Any OF or VF class that plans to meet Face-to-Face ONLY for exams and/or orientation
must state that in the Notes page. Instructors should send an email to [email protected]
to reserve a room for those dates.

All courses with an online or virtual component must be identified by the appropriate
percentage of online or virtual. Along with the appropriate section code, please enter
the appropriate Note Number below in the Notes section of the Schedule of Classes. 

Note Nbr: 0042
Description: Virtual Section – 100%
Long Description: 100% of this class is taught Virtual on pre-scheduled days and times.

Note Nbr: 0043
Description: Online Section – 100%
Long Description: 100% of this class is taught Online. The class will never meet on

Note Nbr: 0044
Description: Virtual Section – 50%-99%
Long Description: 50% – 99% of this class is taught Virtual and a portion is taught
Face-to-Face on campus on pre-scheduled days and times.

Note Nbr: 0045
Description: Online Section – 50%-99%
Long Description: 50% – 99% of this class is taught Online but a portion is taught
Face-to-Face on campus.

Note Nbr: 0046
Description: Virtual Section – Partial
Long Description: The majority of this class will be Face-to-Face in a classroom and
a portion Virtual.

Note Nbr: 0047
Description: Online Section – Partial
Long Description: The majority of this class will be Face-to-Face in a classroom and
a portion Online.

When entering the Note Numbers, please do not hit the ‘Copy Note’ button underneath
the Note Nbr field.

Term Classes

As a means of maximizing room utilization and providing scheduling options to better
meet student needs, when offering Term I courses you must also offer Term II courses at the same time,
day, and format
.  All term classes must follow start and end dates as indicated in the University

Interim Classes

All interim classes must follow start and end dates as indicated in the University
calendar for summer and fall.   Interim classes are generally not taught between fall
and spring semesters, thus any class request for the spring interim must be approved
by the Provost.  Faculty may only teach one interim class per any given semester (summer,
fall, or spring).

Off-Campus Classes

When offering classes at any of the off-campus locations, the director/liaison of
the appropriate center MUST be contacted prior to scheduling the course. All off-campus
courses must put “OFFCAMPUS” in the Facility ID box located on the meetings panel. A meeting pattern and time
must also be included.  For classes offered at the Livingston Parish Literacy and
Technology Center or the NTCC Lacombe campus, please email requests to these sites
prior to scheduling the courses to ensure a room reservation. Off campus rooms are
not scheduled using the classroom scheduling software that is used for on campus classes. 
These classes have to be scheduled manually by each site.  Scheduling a class in PeopleSoft
does not necessarily secure a room reservation at the Livingston Parish Literacy and
Technology Center and the NTCC Lacombe campus. To request a room at the Livingston
Parish Literacy and Technology Center, send an email to [email protected]. To request a room at the NTCC Lacombe campus, send an email to [email protected].

Scheduling a Credit Course in a New Location

Prior approval is required before a credit course may be offered at a new off-campus
facility such as a high school or community facility. The Off-Campus Course/Facility
Request Form is located on the Provost’s web site under Resources for Faculty and
Staff-Policies and Procedures Pertaining to Academic Affairs.

Please allow a minimum of 30 days for approval signatures by Department Head, Dean,
Assistant Vice President for Academic Programs, and Provost. The Off-Campus Course/Facility
Request Form does not need to be completed if the course is being held at the Livingston
Parish Literacy and Technology Center or the NTCC Lacombe campus.

Class Notes

A class note is now required if there is pertinent information that students must
be aware of before registering for a section of a class.  Such information includes
but is not limited to: 

  • Special meeting patterns that may differ from what is listed (e.g., class meets every
    other week; class meets every Monday from 9:30 – 10:45 am). You must include specific
    dates if the class does not meet every week).
  • Contact information if permission to enroll is required.
  • Enrollment for section is limited to a special cohort. The cohort must be indicated.

Standard Meeting Times

Standard meeting times for the 4-day week for summer and the 4 ½ day week for fall
are listed below.  Thank you for your cooperation in building this schedule.  If you have special room needs, please contact Tommy Cullinan, Assistant Registrar
for Registration at ext. 5568.


Standard Meeting Times for Summer Schedule of Classes

Full Semester                                                  Term I or Term II                                 
Full Semester

M-T-W-TH                                                         M-T-W-TH                                             MW or TTH


8:00-9:15                                                           8:00-10:45                                            

9:30-10:45                                                         9:30-12:15

11:00-12:15                                                       11:00-1:45                                            

12:30-1:45                                                         12:30-3:15

2:00-3:15                                                           2:00-4:45                                              

3:30-4:45                                                           3:30-6:15

5:00-6:15                                                           5:00-7:45                                              



To utilize space, please try to offer a Tuesday-Thursday class when offering a Monday-Wednesday

Creative time ranges make scheduling classes difficult for students as well as utilizing
classroom space and affects the final exam schedule.


Standard Meeting Times for Fall Schedule of Classes

  1. Classes will be scheduled for MW, TTH, or Friday-only. On Fridays, all classes will
    end no later than noon, and university offices will be closed at 12:30 pm. There are
    no MWF classes.   Fridays will be limited as much as possible to classes requiring
    specialized facilities, to student lab/studio work, to providing services to students,
    and to faculty/staff office/lab/studio work.
  1. Use the following standard times for scheduling MW classes and TTH classes:


3-unit classes:                                       1-unit and 2-unit classes:              

8:00 – 9:15 am                                                                          
7:00 – 7:50 am

9:30 – 10:45                                                                              
8:00 – 8:50

11:00 – 12:15                                                                            
10:00 – 10:50

12:30 – 1:45 pm                                                                        
11:00 – 11:50

2:00 – 3:15                                                                                
1:00 – 1:50 pm

3:30 – 4:45                                                                                
2:00 – 2:50

5:00 – 6:15                                                                                
4:00 – 4:50

6:00 – 7:15                                                                                
5:00 – 5:50

6:30 – 7:45                                                                                
6:00 – 6:50

8:00 – 9:15                                                                                
7:00 – 7:50

8:00 – 8:50

  1. Use the following standard times for scheduling Friday-only classes:


3-unit classes:                                                                           1-unit and 2-unit classes:

9:00 – 11:45 am (includes a 15-minute break)                               7:00 –
7:50 am

8:00 – 8:50

9:00 – 9:50

10:00 – 10:50

11:00 – 11:50


  1. For classes requiring meeting patterns not indicated in 2 and 3 above (5-unit classes,
    some lab/studio classes), schedules must fit WITHIN a time block beginning at a start-time
    indicated in 2 or 3 above.
  1. Schedule no more than 50% of your on-campus classes during the prime times between
    9:30 and 1:45 on MW and on TTH.
  1. Schedule at least 10% of your classes in the 5:00 pm or later time slots.