Departmental & Professional Organizations

President: Eleanor Griffin ([email protected])

Advisor: Sita Aggarwal ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Section 1: Membership shall be open to students actively enrolled at Southeastern Louisiana University pursuing a career in the medical field.

Section 2: Active members shall be considered such if they have registered as a National AMWA member, paid their semester dues, and met the required point and meeting minimum.

Section 3: Inactive members shall be considered such if they have not registered as a National AMWA member, paid their semester dues, and met the required point and meeting minimum.

Section 4: Requirements for membership: (1) On a track to pre-med at Southeastern Louisiana University, (2) a minimum semester GPA of 3.0, (3) No disciplinary or academic probation.

Section 5: To be eligible for branch recognition and member’s leadership position in the American Medical Women’s Association, a branch must have a minimum of 5 active national members of the American Medical Women’s Association.

Amount of Dues: $15 per semester; One-time payment of $35 to become a national member

Description of Organization: The purpose of this organization is to advance women seeking a career in a pre-professional medical environment. We advocate for equality and strive to ensure excellence in health care.


President: Samuel Echols ([email protected]

Advisor: Kuo-Pao Yang ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: An active student at the university 

Amount of Dues: $15

Description of Organization: Providing career opportunities for computer science and information technology majors.

President: Emily Vanaselja ([email protected])

Advisor: Florence Wen ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Biology graduate student

Amount of Dues: N/A

Description of Organization: Organization for the Biology Graduate Students

Twitter Instagram

President: Abbie Holliday ([email protected])

Advisor: April Wright ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: 

Amount of Dues: 

Description of Organization: 

President: Olivia Mizell ([email protected])

Advisor: Jamie Napolitano ([email protected]

Requirements for Membership: Membership shall be open to Southeastern Louisiana University students that are in the Health and Human Sciences field and have at least a 3.0 GPA in core curriculum courses. 

Amount of Dues: $10 dues + optional $5 for t-shirt

Description of Organization: Promote professional growth of our undergraduate and graduate students through education, real-world experiences, and developing meaningful connections with local Child Life programs. Members will have opportunities to learn more about the Child Life profession and expand their knowledge of medical illnesses, child health psychology, cross-cultural issues, and other current Child Life topics. 

President: Peyton Kennedy ([email protected])

Advisor: April Kemp ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: To apply, students must be a business major, preferred GPA of at least 3.0, and be involved in at least one student organization. This group includes student leaders in SGA, sororities and fraternities, campus tour guides, orientation leaders, student athletes, study abroad students and internship participants.

Amount of Dues: N/A

Description of Organization: Assist Southeastern’s College of Business with informing students, parents, alumni and other stakeholders about the benefits of being a business major. The Ambassadors work alongside faculty and staff to encourage and educate current students about the importance of campus involvement during their college career, along with their education. Ambassadors work as a team to be spokespeople at high school visits, recruiting events, on-campus events, and participate in marketing and social media campaigns to enhance the student experience at Southeastern

Website:College of Business Ambassadors 

President: Eleanor Griffin (

Advisor: Volker Stiller ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Members must pay dues each semester. Members must attend at least 2 meetings each semester.

Amount of Dues: This semester is $15. Dues cover a t-shirt, food during meetings, thank you presents for our speakers, cords and stoles for graduating seniors along with any other club fees.

Description of Organization: DOA a pre-professional honor society at Southeastern Louisiana University. Our main goal is to develop a community within the university where students interested in going to professional schools and pursuing a career in the health or medical field will get a chance to meet prospective admission committee members and gain valuable perspective on the opportunities available.

Website:Delta Omega Alpha

Facebook Instagram

President: Robert Clement ([email protected])

Advisor: Lindsay Domiano ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Members are required to attend a minimum of two events per semester. Numbers must maintain a 2.5 GPA. Members must pay their dues before participating in any events.

Amount of Dues: Former members of the Health Professionals Living Learning Community will have a $15 fee per semester. New members who were not members of the Health Professionals Living Learning Community will have a $25 fee per semester. Dues will go towards funding for our events, community service, and meetings. Dues must be paid before the second event of the semester.

Description of Organization: Students in the organization will be able to meet other students who have similar interests in majors. The Health Professionals Organization is a vibrant and active community dedicated to supporting students pursuing careers in various healthcare fields.

President: Reed Davis ([email protected])

Advisor: Bovorn Sirikul ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: 

Section 1: Membership shall be open to any full or part-time student in good academic standing whose major is within the Department of Kinesiology & Health Studies at Southeastern Louisiana University.

Section 2: Active members will be: any full or part-time student in good academic standing whose major is within the Department of Kinesiology & Health Studies at Southeastern Louisiana University.

Section 3: Associate members shall be alumni of the Department of Kinesiology & Health Studies at Southeastern Louisiana University.

Section 4: Dues are a one-time fee of $20.00 which covers the member for the duration of his/her time at the university. This fee will include a club t-shirt

Amount of Dues: A one-time fee of $20.00 will include a club t-shirt and will be due at the time membership begins.

Description of Organization: The purpose of KSA is to support and promote at Southeastern Louisiana University: education, networking and collegiality, and practical application of health, fitness, physical performance, sport management and wellness theory. We also encourage the professional development of our members. 


President: Audrey Crusta ([email protected])

Advisor: Anne Babson ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: A love for the French and Francophone world. 

Amount of Dues: $10 per semester

Description of Organization: We are Southeastern’s French Club! A place where like-minded lovers of all things French can meet to share their admiration for France and meet new friends along the way. Our organization is here to celebrate the language, culture, and history of France and Francophone countries through our meetings, activities, guests, and more! Members do not need to speak fluent French to participate, nor do they need to be enrolled in French classes (although we do encourage it!). 


President: Peyton Kennedy ([email protected])

Advisor: Leah Smith ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: 

– Membership shall be open to any student, faculty, or staff;

– Active members shall be members who attend meetings regularly and sign up with Toastmasters International.

– Associate members shall be allowed to attend meetings for free but will not have access to Toastmasters pathways and other benefits. 

Amount of Dues: $45

Description of Organization: This organization is to provide a positive learning environment and to teach effective communication skills as well as leadership skills used in everyday life.

President: Lucas Laborde ([email protected])

Advisor: Lisa Brady ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Membership shall be open to all MBA students currently enrolled in the MBA program at Southeastern Louisiana University.

Amount of Dues: $15 a Semester

Description of Organization: Enhance students’ MBA experience beyond the classroom through networking, professional development, and lasting friendships.


President: Faith Leger ([email protected])

Advisor: Melissa Caserta ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Enrollment as an undergraduate or graduate student in the Communication Sciences & Disorders program. Undergraduates- 2.5 GPA and Graduates- 3.0 GPA. Complete a membership application and pay dues each semester.  Must attend two meetings per semester and complete five NSSLHA approved service hours per semester (or attend 4 meetings per year and complete 10 service hours per year)

Amount of Dues: $15 per semester for new members; $10 for returning members

Description of Organization: The National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) is a pre-professional association for students interested in the study of communication sciences and disorders. NSSLHA is the national organization for graduate and undergraduate students interested in the study of normal and disordered human communication. The purpose of the Southeastern NSSLHA Chapter is to encourage professional interest among college and university students in the study of normal and disordered human communication, to provide a vehicle for student representation in matters of professional concern and many other things concerning CSD students and the profession.

Website: National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) 

Facebook Twitter Instagram

President: Je’kira Cade ([email protected])

Advisor: Eric Knight ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership:

– Preferable people of color, but anyone is welcome.

– Minimum of 2.5 GPA

– Attend all meetings

– Any form of Business Major

Amount of Dues:

– $0 to join

– $35 to become apart of the NABA membership to attend conventions and receive scholarships.

Description of Organization: NABA is a worls-wide association of all professional black leaders in the fiels of accounting, finance and any kind of business. It was created to provide insight and connections to young black leaders seeking opportunities in these fields. As a chapter of NABA, we look forward to re-growing membership, considering it has fallen off in the pass few years. we are determined to work together to empower each other to leadership.



President: Emma Day ([email protected])

Advisor: Austin Rogers ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: -Sophomore, Junior, Senior, or Grad-level standing -Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA -Involved
in at least one organization prior to applying -Presents himself/herself as a positive
candidate to serve as an Ambassador for the Office of Admissions

Amount of Dues: N/A

Description of Organization: Assisting Southeastern Louisiana University’s Office of Admissions with informing students, parents, alumni, and other stakeholders about the benefits of attending Southeastern. Ambassadors will work as a team to be spokesmen & spokeswomen for the office and will help represent the University at events, orientations, and more. They will aid in the creation, implementation, and staffing of student-focused recruitment events. 

Instagram Facebook

President: Christian Jones ([email protected])

Advisor: Jonathan Varnado ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Maintain a 2.0 GPA and have an interest in law.

Amount of Dues: $15 for the year or $8 per semester

Description of Organization: This organization’s objectives are to help students prepare for and become more knowledgeable about law school. Activities include advice about the law school admissions process, advice from guest speakers of every law field, LSAT practice, and lectures related to law. 


President: Charles Lopez ([email protected])

Advisor: April Kemp ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: 2.5 GPA and a full-time student

Amount of Dues: New membership – $135; Active until the next fall

Description of Organization: PSE is the only national co-ed professional fraternity in the fields of sales, marketing, and management. However, it is open to all majors. PSE gives its members the chance to gain hands-on experience through experiential learning opportunities, participate in conferences both regionally and nationally, and network with professionals through PSE’s corporate partner program. Pi Sigma Epsilon offers experience and leadership skills, scholarships, competitions, awards, and career opportunities.


President: Patrick Gipson ([email protected])

Advisor: Sherri Craig ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Sigma Tau Delta is open to undergraduate students who have taken two English courses beyond Freshman English requirements (i.e. two 200 level Englishes and beyond), have completed 3 semesters, and have a 3.0 in English, as we as in their cumulative gpa. It is open to grad students who have complete 6 hours of grad-level English classes and hold a 3.3 gpa.

Amount of Dues: Membership in the English Club is free. A lifetime membership in Sigma Tau Delta is $50.

Description of Organization: 

The English Club is open to any student interested in reading, writing, and pop culture. English Club members who meet the requirements can then join Sigma Tau Delta.

Sigma Tau Delta, International English Honor Society, was founded in 1924 at Dakota Wesleyan University. The Society strives to

  • Confer distinction for high achievement in English language and literature in undergraduate,
    graduate, and professional studies;
  • Provide, through its local chapters, cultural stimulation on college campuses and
    promote interest in literature and the English language in surrounding communities;
  • Foster all aspects of the discipline of English, including literature, language, and
  • Promote exemplary character and good fellowship among its members;
  • Exhibit high standards of academic excellence; and
  • Serve society by fostering literacy

With over 900 active chapters located in the United States and abroad, there are more than 1,000 Faculty Advisors, and approximately 9,000 members inducted annually.

Sigma Tau Delta also recognizes the accomplishments of professional writers who have contributed to the fields of language and literature.

The Xi Rho Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta at Southeastern was chartered in 1987. Chapter
members enjoy the International Convention, which normally takes place in the spring,
as well as on campus activities, like our book and button sale and the Fall Festival.
In addition to chapter opportunities, members receive a personalized Sigma Tau Delta
membership certificate and official Society pin, and are eligible to apply for Sigma
Tau Delta scholarships, participate in international conventions, and submit original
work for publication and writing awards.

President: Silva Monroe ([email protected])

Advisor: Tonya Crombie ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: A student being actively enrolled in Southeastern classes is the only requirement. Students may be in any major but most members are HR majors or are majors within the College of Business. 

Amount of Dues: N/A

Description of Organization: SHRM at Southeastern Louisiana University is intended to allow those students interested in the field of human resource management to go beyond the classroom and interact with human resource personnel and industrial relations professionals. Students are afforded a unique opportunity to interact with the real world of HR through guest speakers, shadow programs, and internships. When you join SHRM, you get access to all previously mentioned plus opportunities to network with HR professionals from every sector, every industry, and even every country in the world.

Additionally, the national SHRM foundation offers competitive graduate and undergraduate scholarships, as well as numerous student awards for chapter members who are HR majors. Eligible students may also sit for the Human Resource Certification Institutes basic examination and be certified Professional in Human Resources (PHR) upon successful completion of the exam and after gaining the requisite work experience.

Website:Society for Human Resources

President: Hannah Radecker ([email protected])

Advisor: Dean DiGregorio ([email protected])

Requirements for Memberships: None

Amount of Dues: N/A

Description of Organization: Casual Organization that allows you to meet fellow accounting as a whole, and creates a support system in order for you.

President: Jordon Kindrick ([email protected])

Advisor: Julie Nunemacher ([email protected])

Requirements for Memberships: None

Amount of Dues: N/A

Description of Organization: To engage students with meaningful activities through memorable experiences.

President: Kiauna Conley ([email protected])


Requirements for Membership: Students must be enrolled at Southeastern Louisiana University. A point system will be required to remain an active member. For the Fall 2023 semester, members must obtain 3 points to be considered active. Some opportunities for points include:

– In-person attendance to meetings

– Virtual attendance to meetings

– Signing the membership roster

– Following the organization’s Intagram page

– Being a member of the organization GroupMe

Amount of Dues: $15 

Description of Organization: Southeastern Louisiana University Pre-Pa Society is a student organization that aims to provide students with resources about the Physician Assistant career. We want to provide a safe space to share information about the occupation and the requirements necessary for Physician Assistant school Admission. This organization will conduct professional development meetings, participate in community service, and many more fun activities! All classifications and majors are welcome!


President: Jai-Li Colucci ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Enrolled in the School of Nursing at Southeastern

Amount of Dues: $15 per semester

Description of Organization: The purpose of the SLU SNA is to aid in the development of the individual student of nursing as a future health professional and be aware of and contribute to the improvement of health care of all people. 

Website: Student Nurses Association Information Facebook

President: Adriana Milano ([email protected])

Advisor: Dr. Volker Stiller ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership:

    • DUES: Each member, whether General or Specialty, must submit a one time payment of $15 by cash or Venmo. (Venmo description: Membership Dues + member’s first and last name)

    • SHADOWING: Each member must submit a shadowing form that can be downloaded from our email and must signed by each Dentist or Hygienist he or she chooses to shadow. While shadowing, we should always be respectful and dress appropriately (usually scrubs unless otherwise stated) as we are representing PDS and are grateful for the opportunity given to us to learn!

      • We will try to comprise a list of potential dentists to shadow in the area!

      • General membership: a total of 12 or more hours ( three different offices recommended)

      • Email photo of signed shadowing form to [email protected] (email subject line: Shadowing Form + member’s first and last name)


      • Membership will be determined by a points system – 15 points per semester

      • Paying Dues: 1 POINT – Once paid 

      • Follow social media: 2 POINTS – Instagram

      • MEETINGS: 3 POINTS – Attendance will be recorded at each meeting. Students must sign in with name and W number. All meetings will be held in Meade 112. Meeting dates will be accessible on our instagram or GroupMe (possibly website in future)

      • Additional Points:

    1. SERVICE: Members must seek out service opportunities through PDS and within the community. All of the PDS-affiliated service opportunities will be emailed to those on the email list by our Service Coordinator.

    2. RESTAURANT FUNDRAISER: Each member may attend at least one restaurant fundraiser event per semester and provide a photo of his or her receipt. In order to fulfill the point requirement, members must mention PDS when ordering, which allows for a percentage of the restaurant’s earnings to go towards ____ (Research something like Smile Train). Event dates and times can be found through emails as they are planned. Email photo of receipt to [email protected]. (email subject line: Restaurant Fundraiser Receipt + member’s first and last name) email photo of receipt to [email protected].

    3. SOCIAL EVENT: Each member may attend at least one social event per semester that is put on by PDS. Social events serve as a way for members to congregate and establish companionship. Event dates can be found through emails as they are planned. 

  • *Cords awarded based on merit

Amount of Dues: $15

Description of Organization: Pre-Dental Society is a student organization geared towards those students who are interested in the fields of dentistry, dental hygiene and dental lab technology. Joining PDS provides fantastic opportunity to make connections with other pre-dental students, learn about dental careers, and gather knowledge and stay on track to help you on your path to dental or dental hygiene school.

The organization will biweekly or monthly (TBD). This will be a way to hear from local dentists and hygienist, while making sure we our keep our peers accountable as we all tackle the journey that is applying for dental school.

Email:[email protected]


President: Janlus Lopez-Serraty ([email protected])

Advisor: Rodrigo Pereyra ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Member Requirements:– Have a cumulative of a 2.5 GPA– Attend Southeastern– Attend all club meetings and participate – Provide assistance to any club event or project– Be punctual  Officer Requirements:– Have a cumulative of a 2.5 GPA– Must attend all club meetings and participate in meeting conversations– Attend Southeastern– Be punctual 

Amount of Dues: $8 to join; $15-$20 for t-shirts

Description of Organization: We are an organization that helps to promote the Hispanic Culture and Heritage for all students. This includes such as language, foods, traditions, and cultural differences. We also provide Spanish lessons for those who are interested in learning a second language. The club recruits members of all backgrounds so we can each have an understanding of each other, and most importantly it also to have fun and make more friends along the way. The members are here also to help break stereotypes that many minorities face in today’s America, and we choose to rise above and change those aspects placed on us by other individuals.


President: Seren Valenti ([email protected])

Advisor: Beatrice Taylor ([email protected]

Requirements for Members: There are no membership requirements. Membership shall consist of students and faculty at Southeastern Louisiana University interested in helping local exceptional children and adults. 

Amount of Dues: No local dues. If interested in an international membership, it is $40 for a basic student membership. 

Description of Organization: The purpose of this organization is to promote the welfare and education of exceptional children and adults. The organization will also help members learn about exceptionalities, gain pre-career experience, and meet others with common interests. 

Website URL: Facebook Instagram


President: Tania Granados ([email protected])

Advisor: Jill Barry ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Membership shall be open to all students on Southeastern Louisiana University campus who are concerned with the young child and their families.

Qualifications:Any student of Southeastern Louisiana University who has paid his/her tuition and SLAECA dues

Amount of Dues:  two checks—one made out to “LAECA” in the amount of $40 for state and regional membership and one made out to “SLAECA” in the amount of $10 for student membership

Description of Organization: Our purpose is to increase awareness of the needs and to work for knowledge and understanding of young children in Louisiana both at school and at home and to provide opportunities for collaboration between those who are concerned about the needs of young children and families.

Facebook  Instagram

President: Matthew Peek ([email protected])

Advisor: Emily Anthony ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Any student who is enrolled in at least one credit hour with SLU and maintains a GPA of 2.0 or higher who is a veteran, reservist, National Guard, active-duty service member, is a dependent of aforementioned groups, or is actively enrolled in ROTC.

Amount of Dues: N/A Description of Organization: To serve as a catalyst for SLU military-affiliated students by providing resources, network, support, and advocacy for educational, professional, social opportunities, and continued selfless service beyond graduation.

President: Peyton Kennedy ([email protected])

Advisor: Jonathan Emas ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Membership is open to all Southeastern students interested in Supply Chain Management topics. Active members shall be involved in meetings and are expected to volunteer in activities to promote the organization. Members must be in good standing. 

Amount of Dues: $10.00 initial membership. $10 a semester thereafter.

Description of Organization: The Institute for Supply Management is a strategic resource for career growth and development. It offers students the opportunity to meet new people, network with Supply Chain professionals, and attend a variety of professional events. It also provides an opportunity for students with common interests to share those interests with other students. 

President: Swastika Paudel ([email protected])

Advisor: Dr. Subash Adhikari ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: There are no requirements to be an Up to Us Southeastern member. The members should be interested on advocacy and awareness. They should have keen interest on fiscal policies. 

Amount of Dues: N/A

Description of Organization: Up to us Southeastern will be an organization that will advocate and aware the students in the university about national debt, fiscal policies and national economy. With the rising national debt, it is really important for young Americans to be aware of the affects these debt can have on different aspects of national growth. The interest paid on the debt means less money towards education, healthcare, infrastructures etc. The main focus of Up to us Southeastern will be policy over politics. 


President: Peyton Kennedy ([email protected])

Advisor: Dr. Scott A. Burns ([email protected])

Requirements for Membership: Minimum 2.5 GPA. Minimum of 12 semester hours for undergraduates, 6 semester hours for graduate students.

Amount of Dues: $0.00

Description of Organization: To educate and equip members with the knowledge to better understand the world around them. Through debate, workshops, and tutoring, members will become more informed voters, business leaders, and people. Through community involvement, members will be able to contribute a positive economic impact as well as inform the community on topics that, on the surface, seem more complex than they are but affect each of us every day.
