Textbook Rental

Our mission is to provide quality service to Southeastern Louisiana University students by providing their basic textbooks through the rental program, while maintaining the highest degree of student service consciousness.

At Southeastern, students RENT their textbooks instead of having to buy them!  Textbook Rental provides Southeastern students an economical alternative to purchasing textbooks. You can expect to save hundreds of dollars each semester on textbook costs alone!

The current rental fee for a course which has a rental book is $60 regardless of the number of textbooks required for a course. Some courses do require the purchase of supplemental workbooks or manuals which are sold at the University Bookstore located in the Student Union. Students interested in building a professional library do have the option of purchasing their rental textbooks.

Books that are not included in the Textbook Rental System are available for purchase from the University Bookstore. (Purchases can be made online using the same link).

Contact Us

Textbook Rental
North Campus Building F

SLU Box 10816
Hammond, LA 70402

(985) 549-3780
