Selecting your career is a life-long process. Your major selection may direct your initial focus, but careers tend to branch out in new (sometimes unexpected) ways through one’s experiences and changing interests, an evolving job market, and networking. Career Exploration Coaches are here not to dictate direction, but to enhance student empowerment toward informed self-direction.
“Informed self-direction” may take the form of personality, interests, values, and skills assessments, but these assessments are not definitive person-to-occupation match generators. They are simply tools to stimulate learning and self-knowledge.
When defining goals, students sometimes forget to consider what they are willing to do (or can feasibly manage) to reach them and to work there successfully (i.e., rigor of coursework, licensing requirements, general commitments of working in that profession, etc.). Knowing your own stamina, tolerance, preferences, and limits is part of your self-informed equation.
Career Exploration Coaches are equipped to help you explore and consider all of these dimensions. Our Coaches do more than just guide students toward a single career decision. We are tasked with teaching students how to gain self-knowledge, sort through threads of information, and take actions that will produce more satisfying lives.
Southeastern has lots of exciting undergraduate degree programs to pursue. Explore the Focus Areas and programs below and discover which one is right for you!