“Go For Gold” Learning Community

If your acceptance email or letter states that you have been “conditionally accepted”
to the university, you will be a part of a unique learning community your first semester. 

As part of this learning community, you will you will consult with your advisor to create a first-semester schedule using the courses
listed below. Together, these courses are designed to help you successfully transition
during your first semester.

In addition, you will have an academic coach who will guide and support you during
your first year. This experience will allow you to develop the necessary skills to be a successful
college student during your first year of college and moving forward!


Here are the classes you will take your first semester:

Freshman Academic Success

Southeastern 101 – 2 hour credit

Freshman Academic Success. This course provides student-focused academic coaching
by engaging and encouraging freshman students to identify the personal and academic
strategies necessary to succeed as college students. Students will be provided with
semester-long support in areas such as time management, test preparation, note-taking,
and learning strategies. Students will examine personal and academic concerns, perceived
barriers to success, strengths and needs, and devise a personalized plan of action
for succeeding academically to earn a Southeastern degree.

Student Success Pathways

SSPA 1200 – 3 hours credit

student Success Pathways. This course is a cross-enrolled class through Northshore
Technical Community College taught on Southeastern’s campus and is designed to help
students create greater success in college and in life. In the course, students will
learn proven strategies for succeeding in college, critical thinking, and learning
and study strategies. Topics covered in the course include, but are not limited to,
accepting personal responsibility, goal setting, studying skills, critical thinking,
learning strategies, reading strategies, note-taking strategies, and test-taking techniques.
This course is required for all SLU Cross-Enrolled students who need Developmental
Math and Developmental English courses.


Math 100B & 105 or Math 100A & 107 – 4 hours credit

The specific course will be determined during advising and will be based on the student’s
intended major.

Math 100B & 105. Finite Mathematics Corequisite course. 

Math 100A & 107. Applied Algebra Corequisite course. This Math is required for students who require College Algebra (Math 161) or a higher
level Math as the first Math required in their degree plan.


English 100 & English 101A  – 6 hour credit

Freshman Composition Corequisite course

 Total Credit Hours For First Semester = 15