Nonita Valverde
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone: 985-549-3038
Tell us about your education and where you graduated.
B.S. in Nutrition from the University of Texas
M.S. in Scientific Nutrition from Texas A&M University, Registered Dietitian
What are your hobbies?
Reading, riding my bike, walking/hiking out doors and traveling to other countries.
What advice would you give a beginning freshman?
Organize yourself! If you manage your time well you will have less stress and it will
give you time to study which will lead to your academic success.
What do you love about Southeastern?
I love my advisees, the students. They give me inspiration in my job. I also love
my co-workers at the CSE. We are an incredible team!
What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I was born in Colombia, South America.