Experiments in Wetlands Restoration
Here are links to some of our current projects.
These contain descriptions of experimental design, graduate
students involved in the projects and maybe a few site photographs.
We welcome any and all input…we might not listen to it, but hey,
this is the era of e-mail and anyone can offer advice with
impunity. Right? Seriously though, we’d love to hear from
- Oil Spill Bioremediation Utilizing the Physiological
Processes of both Microbes and Vascular Plants - Wetlands Creation Using Restored Drill
Cuttings - The Effects of Saltwater Intrusion Upon Baldcypress
Saplings - The Effects of Nutrient Augmentation and Management from
Competing Vegetation Upon Baldcypress Seedlings - The Effects of Inter-specific Competition Upon the Growth and
Survival of Baldcypress Seedlings - Compensatory Plant Growth Due to Insect Herbivory: A Study
Utilizing Lubber Grasshoppers - “Small-scale” Oil Spills in Louisiana: How Do
They Affect Wetlands Productivity and Survival? An In Situ