Safety Training

Safety training of faculty, staff, and students is recommended by the American Chemical
Society and is required by OSHA.

This is just one part of an ongoing series of safety topics that will be studied to
help develop the safety culture of the Chemistry and Physics Department.  Please read
the following excerpt from the “Safety Handbook of the Department of Chemistry and
Physics” and complete the form below to confirm your training.


Response to Accidents, Call University Police

For emergency situations call the University Police (985)549-2222. Be sure to tell police your exact location and the nature of the incident.

Phone Locations:
each office
wet chemistry teaching laboratory
wet research laboratory


An Accident Report MUST be filled out for each accident involving injury to student
faculty member. The Accident Report form may be found in Appendix I of the “Safety
Handbook of the Department of Chemistry and Physics” and in the form drawer of the
Departmental office. 

If a student refuses additional medical care (from Student Health Center, University
Police or local walk-in clinic) be sure student signature on Accident Report.


First Aid Procedures

Some minor first aid may be given while awaiting arrival of help. First Aid materials administered
should be limited to soap, water, paper towels and standard band-aids. A summary of
appropriate temporary aid follows.


Moving Victim – Never move or lift accident victims unless they are in danger of further injury.
If they must be moved from a hazardous area, grasp their feet and drag them away while
protecting the head from injury. Calm and comfort the victim and do not alarm them.

Acid and Alkali Burns – Flush the affected area with water and remove or cut away
clothing. This may be done in the sinks or showers. There are emergency showers and eyewash
stations in every laboratory. If substantial amount of acid has gotten on clothes,
have individual enter shower and remove all contaminated clothing.


Acid and Alkali Splashes to the Eye – First aid for splashes to the eye should begin as quickly as possible by thoroughly
washing the face, eyelids, and eye. Eyewash stations are available in all of the laboratories.
The eye should be thoroughly flushed for an additional 15 minutes. The eye lids must
be held open during this time. DO NOT RUB THE EYE. Only plain water should be used.


Swallowed Poisons – Dilute strong acids and alkalis by quickly administering large
amounts of water. But, NEVER give liquids to an unconscious person. If strong acids,
strong alkalis, or petroleum products are known to have been swallowed, do not
induce vomiting.


Cuts – If there is a possibility of contamination, wash affected area with copious amounts of
soap and water. If bleeding, follow instructions below.

Bleeding – Have the student apply pressure directly to the wound. This may be done with a
clean paper towel or directly with a hand. Do NOT apply a tourniquet. Try to insure
that the blood does not contact anyone else.


Fractures – Do NOT move the victim unless absolutely necessary.


Thermal Burns – Immerse burn in gently running cool water. If burn is severe do NOT attempt to
remove clothing. If burn is very severe, be careful about applying ice or water over
burn, as this may intensify shock reaction.

Electrical Shocks – Remove the source of shock as soon as possible either by (a)
shutting off the source of power or (b) using a non-conductive object (wood or dry
cloth) to separate the victim from the source.


Note: The instructor should escort the injured student to the eye wash or safety shower
to insure that proper flushing is initiated.