Academic Advising

Getting Advised for Courses

During your first year at Southeastern all Computer Science majors are advised by the Center for Student ExcellenceYour SE 101 instructor is your advisor for your first two semesters.Click here for more information.  Every semester after that the Department of Computer Science is responsible for advising.

All students must be advised each semester to have the registration hold removed. If a student does not yet have an assigned advisor they can come to the Computer Science office or call (985) 549-2189 to be assigned a faculty advisor in their concentration or area of interest. Appointments can be scheduled with the advisor in person or the student can use the on-line advising system (see instructions below). However, Freshmen have to see their advisor at least once in person to get to know them. The following resources may be helpful:

Who is my Advisor for Spring, Summer and Fall Semester?

Computer Science Curriculum

Scientific Concentration

  • Click Here: Curriculum Sheets
  • Data Science Concentration

  • Click Here: Curriculum Sheets
  • Information Technology Concentration

  • Click Here: Curriculum Sheets
  • Pre-MBA Concentration

  • Click Here: Curriculum Sheets

    Computer Science Prerequisite Flowcharts

    4-Year Course Rotation

    Class Meeting Time Schedule


    All Course Descriptions can be found in the General Catalog:

    Online Advising System

    The Online Advising System is transitioning from LeoNet to Workday.  Here are the instructions for both LeoNet and Workday:


    • Go to the Student Online Advising System – Workday
    • Online Advising Instructions and Guide for STUDENTS – Workday:
      1. Sign into Workday as soon as possible. The first sign-in may require clicking through a few approvals, with a guide available for assistance. If you encounter difficulties, contact [email protected]. It’s recommended not to wait until just before registration to test your access.
      2. Use Workday to sign up for classes. Ensure any holds are lifted in Workday for the semester. Registration remains in LeoNet.


    • Online Advising Instructions for STUDENTS – LeoNet
    • Please remember that if you complete online advising, the advisor will remove the hold after the schedule has been approved in LeoNet.   However, in Workday, communication with your advisor will be via email. After communication and approval with your advisor via email and/or via face-to-face or GoogleMeet, your advisor will remove the hold. Email your advisor after you complete the online advising form. We are not automatically notified.
    • Be sure to provide the name of your assigned advisor for that semester (check listing first).
    • Online Advising Instructions for FACULTY – LeoNet

    Transfer Courses

    If you have questions about transfer courses and if they will count in your degree completion sheet, you must speak with a Program Coordinator or the Department Head. You must provide the course description (and syllabus if possible) so that we can best determine if the course will count in our curricula.  Send to [email protected] or click here for more information.

    Independent Study Courses

    • This form is to used for all courses without a standard and pre-defined topics list that a student or small group of students will be taking with a faculty member. For example, CMPS courses with “Special Topics,” “Special Problems,” or “Independent Study” in the course title.

    • It must be completed and signed by the faculty member and the student, and submitted to the Department Head for approval.

    • Download the form

    Course Substitutions

    • Course Substitutions will only be considered prior the semester in which the course is to be taken. Approval must be granted from the Department Head and also the Dean’s Office before the course is taken. Transfer course substitutions must be requested during the student’s first semester at Southeastern.