Graduate Assistantship/Fellowship:
Students who take six (6) or more hours per semester are eligible to be awarded a graduate assistantship and/or graduate fellowship. Please see the Doctoral Program coordinator for more information.
Coursework Requirements and Transfer of Credits:
Subject to approval by the doctoral advisory committee, a maximum of 6 hours of appropriate course work completed as part of another doctoral program may be transferred from other accredited institutions.
Academic Expectations:
Students must maintain a minimum Grade Point Average of 3.00 in all doctoral course work. No more than two courses in which a grade of “C” has been earned may be applied toward the fulfillment of degree requirements.
Continuous Enrollment:
The continuous enrollment requirement necessitates that candidates are enrolled each academic term including summer, fall, and spring until completion of all degree program requirements.
Residency Requirement:
The residency requirement in graduate programs is intended to ensure that candidates become integrally involved in the academic life of their program and of the university. During the course of study for the Ed.D. degree offered by the Consortium, candidates are required to have an enrollment period of three (3) consecutive academic terms with a minimum of six (6) credit hours per academic term.
Admission to Candidacy and Time Limits:
All degree requirements must be completed within six calendar years following admission to candidacy. An extension may be granted if approved by the Dean of the College of Education. Prior work applied to the degree (including transfer and locally-earned credits) must have been completed within nine calendar years immediately preceding the date on which the degree is conferred.
Prospectus Defense:
All candidates are required to successfully defend their Prospectus before their committee.
All doctoral candidates are required to complete a dissertation which represents a significant contribution to the body of knowledge in the discipline. Doctoral candidates must (a) form a dissertation committee, (b) prepare and successfully defend a dissertation proposal before the dissertation committee, (c) complete data collection and analysis, and (d) prepare and successfully defend the final dissertation before the dissertation committee. All candidates must be officially enrolled for dissertation credit, whether the candidates are on or off campus.
Additional Requirements:
Prospective and enrolled graduate students are reminded that the general academic, financial, and student conduct policies and rules as stated in the University catalog remain in force and effect unless specifically modified by graduate rules and policies included in the graduate section of the catalog.