Student Organizations
Xi Rho Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta

The Department of English sponsors the Xi Ro Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, an International
English Honor Society. Sigma Tau Delta is more than just another college club. It
is a unique entity that opens the doors of opportunity for its members and facilitates
academic, professional, and personal growth. There are more than 800 active chapters
across the world, each defined by their location and membership, yet bound to the
rest by the common goal of promoting excellence in the disciplines of the English
language. Members have the opportunity to share their love of literature and linguistics
with like-minded peers, participate in rewarding activities, and be recognized for
their accomplishments. They may also apply, or in some cases instantly qualify, for
one or more of the Society’s numerous awards and scholarships.
Sigma Tau Delta puts on used book sales to help fund the annual Sigma Tau Delta Convention,
where talented students present their original creative and scholarly works. Visit
Sigma Tau Delta for more information!