Speech – Language – Hearing Clinic

Clinic Mission

The Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic functions with a three-fold purpose. The first and primary goal is to serve as a teaching facility for the application of clinical methodology based upon sound theoretical principle. Secondly, the clinic affords students the opportunity to employ scientific methodology of research to the clinical and supervisory processes. Further, the clinic functions to provide quality services to the members of the community with communication disorders.

View Clinic Interest Form

Speech - Language - Hearing Services

Offering a full range of speech, language, and hearing services, the Southeastern Clinic is available for individuals of all ages,  infants through geriatric. Undergraduate and graduate students working toward their degrees in Speech/Language Pathology and Communication Sciences and Disorders practice hearing and speech screening, evaluation and clinical procedures in working with speech handicaps, administration of diagnostic tests, and writing lesson plans for individuals and groups.

The clinicians evaluate and treat clients under the direct supervision of clinical faculty certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Treatment programs are designed to meet the individual needs of the client and may be provided in either individual or group sessions. Therapy sessions are sometimes conducted at off campus site (homes, preschool, etc.) facilities.

Clients and families of clients are treated equally without regard to gender, sexual orientation, age, race, creed, national origin or disability. The University program and Clinic comply with applicable laws, regulations, and executive orders pertaining thereto.

Speech & Language Services

  • Language-literacy disorders
  • Articulation and/or phonological disorders
  • Communication difficulties related to craniofacial anomalies
  • Cognitive communication disorders and aphasia
  • Voice disorders
  • Fluency disorders
  • Dialect reduction/accent modification
    Free Dialect Screening

Hearing & Audiology Services

  • Hearing screening
  • Comprehensive hearing (audiological) evaluation
  • Aural rehabilitation for individuals with hearing impairments
  • Therapy for listening, speech and language difficulties of individuals with hearing impairments
  • Noise level measurements

Clinic Location

The Southeastern Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic is located in Campbell Hall and is accessible for those with disabilities. Parking permits are available for clients.

Clinic Fees

Fees are comparable to other university clinics. The fees for services are available upon request. If you have any questions, or would like more information, call the clinic office at 985-549-5349 or email the clinic graduate assistant at [email protected].

Clinic Hours

Monday- Thursday 9 a.m.- 5:00 p.m*

*Clinic is only open during regular academic semesters. 

Summer dates of Operation will be June 1st – July 21st

Clinic Referral for Services

Referrals for services are taken from parents, physicians, nurses, psychologists, social workers, teachers, dentists, and many other sources. After contact has been made with the Clinic, an information packet is sent to the client. These forms are to be complete and returned to be a candidate for services.


Aimee Adams, MA, CCC-SLP Clinic Director, Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic

SLU Box 10863 Hammond, LA 70402 Tel: 985-549-5349

Email: [email protected]