Current Students

Music students in the Department of Music and Performing Arts are to be advised by their applied studio teacher. Exceptions are made for students whose applied studio teachers are not full-time faculty members. Students should consult with their advisers on a semesterly basis, prior to enrolling for courses the following semester.

Students pursuing a concentration in music education need to follow closely the Music Education Concentration Course Sequence. The BM with a concentration in music education is a tricky course sequence which
must be followed precisely. Your advisor or the Undergraduate Coordinator can help
you to stay on track throughout your degree.

Please contact your private lesson teacher to set up an advising appointment.

The following persons may be contacted for additional assistance with advising:

Accompanist Request Form

Recital Hour Request Form

Recital Scheduling Information


Recital Accompanying Fees

  • Effective: March 30, 2018
  • Up to 30 minutes of music $125
  • 30 to 45 minutes of music $175
  • More than 45 minutes of music $200
  • Paid directory to your accompanist