Southeastern Shifting to Remote Operations

William Sadler

Interim Coordinator for Lion Up Recovery



Lion UP Recovery welcomes its New Coordinator of Intervention and Collegiate Recovery programming, Southeastern Louisiana University Alumni and current Counseling Graduate student, Bryan Sadler. Bryan has been a member in the Collegiate Recovery Program since 2018 and directly accredits his success in school to the program. He graduated from SELU with BA in Psychology in the Spring of 2021 and entered the masters in counseling program the following Fall. As coordinator and a person in long term recovery, Bryan will champion recovery protective services such as groups and discussions, presentations, training, and committees. Bryan will encourage students to build recovery capital on campus by offering community/peer support, social engagement, and advice. As a person in long term recovery, Bryan is interested in working with a diverse population who are also in recovery, sober-curious, or an ally.

Recovery is a journey that does not have to be walked alone; it is an intentional re-evaluation and reformation of a person’s relationship with substances and mental health. Bryan enjoys helping students navigate their collegiate experience while having expertise in substance misuse and/or also being in recovery. He can be found in the Collegiate Recovery Space in the student union annex, just above Starbucks.