Greg Baker Endowed Scholarship in Athletics (Track & Field) The scholarship was established by Greg Baker ‘74 a former track and field member
who also played football at Southeastern. It provides support to a track and field
Greg Baker, Thomas McKnight and Beverly Baker Doggett Scholarship in Athletics(Football) The scholarship was established by family members, Thomas McKnight ‘98, Beverly
Baker Doggett ‘79, and Greg Baker ‘74. Greg was a standout football and track and
field athlete. The scholarship supports a student playing football at Southeastern.
The Dr. Beatrice Baldwin and Michael D. Materne Endowed Scholarship for Language and
Cultural Studies Abroad The scholarship is for a student with an interest in language, or cultural and historical
studies options offered in the study abroad program. Dr. Baldwin served as the Vice
President of Academic Affairs and Professor of Educational Research and Statistics
at Southeastern. She also served as the UL System’s Vice President for Research and
Performance Assessment. Her husband, Michael Materne, is retired from the School of
Plant, Environmental and Soil Sciences at the LSU Agricultural Center.
Jim (Mr. B’s) Barker Endowed Scholarship The scholarship was established in 1998 by friends and family to memorialize Jim Barker
‘69 who was the graduate of the College of Business and proprietor of Mr. B’s Pizza
in Ponchatoula. The scholarship benefits one female and one male former Ponchatoula
High School graduate with previous involvement in the Ponchatoula Youth Basketball
The William B. Barker Endowed Scholarship in Special Education and/or Elementary Education The scholarship was established by family and friends to provide financial assistance
to a student majoring in Special Education or Elementary Education. “Bill” Barker
‘53 served as an educator in the St. Tammany School System for over 30 years, and
after retiring, was a Principal and Administrator at the Regina Coeli Head Start System,
and later was a Supervisor of Student Teachers at Southeastern.
Cameron & Marcia Barr First Generation Endowed Scholarship Established by Cameron Barr ‘71 and Marcia Comeaux Barr ‘72, the scholarship provides
financial support to a first generation student. A portion of the funds for this scholarship
were provided by the Louisiana State Board of Regents.
Marcia & Cameron Barr Summer School Aid for Athletes Endowed Scholarship The scholarship was established by the Barr’s to assist athletes with tuition during
the summer so they would have the resources to stay on campus and train for their
individual sports.
Marcia C. Barr Endowed Scholarship in Kinesiology The scholarship was established to support a student in Kinesiology. Marcia Comeaux
Barr ‘72, a Southeastern Foundation Board member, is a retired physical education
teacher and established this scholarship with her husband, Cameron Barr ‘71.
Thomas III & Virginia Barr Endowed Scholarship in Athletics The scholarship was established by Marcia and Cameron Barr in honor of his parents.
It supports a member of the golf team at Southeastern. Cameron Barr was an active
member and past President of the Lions Athletic Association Board of Directors.
Reverend & Mrs. Alexander Bartus Memorial Endowed Scholarship The scholarship was established in 2008 by members of the Bartus Family. It honors
Reverend and Mrs. Alexander Bartus and the Albany Hungarian Presbyterian Church. Reverend
Bartus was pastor of the Albany Hungarian Presbyterian church for over 50 years. The
scholarship benefits a deserving student who is a graduate of Albany or Hammond high
Robert L. Baskin Leadership Scholarship The scholarship was established in 1988 by Mrs. Ann Baskin in honor of her late husband.
The scholarship benefits a Tangipahoa high school graduate who participated in extracurricular
activities and was involved in community affairs.
Eula Mae Beall Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Nursing The scholarship was established by friends and family and later fully endowed by Eula
Mae’s sister and brother-in-law, Cati and Michael Hard. Eula Mae was a beginning
nursing student at Southeastern when she died in a car accident. The scholarship
was established to ensure that nursing students accepted into clinicals would continue
to have financial resources to pursue a nursing degree.
The George and Cecil Bedsole Endowed Scholarship in Criminal Justice The scholarship was established by Judge Brenda Bedsole Ricks, ‘73 in honor of her
parents. Mrs. Cecil Bedsole served as Dr. Luther Dyson’s secretary when he was President
of Southeastern. Her husband of 60 years, George W. Bedsole, was the Department Head
Emeritus of the Sociology, Social Welfare and Criminal Justice Departments and Professor
Emeritus of Sociology at Southeastern.
Bellsouth College of Business Endowment The scholarship was established by Bellsouth, at one time a division of A T & T,
and it supports a student majoring in any discipline offered by the College of Business.
Berey Family Endowed Scholarship in Business The scholarship was established by brothers, Haydn Berey ‘65 and Joseph Berey ‘66
and their spouses, Suzanna and Judy ‘68, in honor of the Berey brothers’ father, Alexander
“Alex” J. Berey ‘42. Alex was an outgoing and gregarious businessman and civic leader
in the community and was especially proud of his Hungarian roots. The scholarship
supports students majoring in marketing.
Theodore G. “Teddy” Betz, Jr. Scholarship The scholarship was established to provide financial assistance to a student majoring
in Industrial Technology by his sister, Iris St. Blanc, in loving memory of her late
J.L. and Jo M. Bickham Endowed Scholarship in Education The scholarship was established by Nancy Bickham Shaw, ’66 and her husband Ralph Shaw,
Jr. ’61, the daughter and son-in-law of J.L and Jo M. Bickham, and it recognizes their
devotion to education in the state of Louisiana. Its purpose is to provide support
to a student majoring in education at Southeastern.
Mouton and Leactrice Bickham Endowed Scholarship The scholarship was established by Mr. Gaylord Bickham in honor of his parents, Mr.
Alexander Mouton Bickham and Mrs. Leatrice Brumfield Bickham. Gaylord was the son
of one of the founding families of Franklinton, Louisiana. The scholarship provides
financial support to a deserving student who graduated from a Washington Parish high
Noel and Essie Bickham Endowed Scholarship in Education The scholarship provides financial assistance to a Southeastern student from Washington
parish pursuing a degree in education. It was established in memory of his parents
by Francis Bickham ‘51, ‘74, an educator himself and Chairperson of the Lallie Kemp
Hospital board.
Paul L. Billingsley Nursing Scholarship Paul L. Billingsley practiced law in Louisiana for over 44 years. In tribute to his
admiration for nurses on the frontlines and to honor the North Oaks Medical Center
Nurses caring for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, his wife Dr. Luanne Billingsley,
RN, established this scholarship in his memory. Through this scholarship, Paul’s legacy
of gratitude lives on through the students accepted into the Southeastern School of
W. L. “Buddy” Billups Scholarship in Special Education Buddy Billups was a successful and generous Hammond businessman, who earned his fortune
in oil and gas. Along with his brothers, he pioneered the independent retail oil
and gas business during the Great Depression. Mr. Billups received Southeastern’s
first Honorary Doctorate in 1979. Having an interest in helping children with disabilities,
he established the scholarship to provide financial assistance to a student in Special
Arlen R. Blackwell Endowed Scholarship in Athletics (Football) Arlen Blackwell ‘56 was a member of Southeastern’s Athletic Hall of Fame and a three
sport letterman in football, baseball and track. The scholarship supports a student
athlete in football and was established by his daughter Terri Blackwell LeBlanc ‘79
and son-in-law, Conway LeBlanc.
Edward Blanchard Memorial Scholarship in Industrial Technology The scholarship was established in her brother’s memory by Edith Blanchard Owens,
and her son, faculty member Dr. James R. Owens, Jr. and other family members. A leader
and innovator, Edward dedicated his life to building ships and developing Avondale
Shipyards. He retired after 46 years as the VP of Production-Operations. The scholarship
recognizing his leadership and inspiration is for a student in Industrial Technology.
Dorothy Blossman Endowed Scholarship in EnglishThe scholarship was established by the Dorothy Blossman Foundation, Lee Spence, Executive
Director. Dorothy and her husband David were residents of Covington and community
philanthropists. The Dorothy Blossman Foundation supports student scholarships in
the region. The scholarship provides financial aid to a student majoring in English.
The James Edward “Buddy” Bodker, Sr., and Audrey H. Bodker Endowed Scholarship in
Education Buddy Bodker ‘50 was a teacher and coach at Ponchatoula High School for 30 years.
Audrey ‘50, Buddy’s wife of 73 years, served as an Assistant Principal and in other
roles in the Ponchatoula School System. The scholarship provides financial support
to a graduate of Ponchatoula High School majoring in Education.
William and Emily Bond Endowed Scholarship in Athletics The scholarship was established by faculty members, William Bond ‘63 and Emily Bond
‘71 . Billy was the faculty liaison to Athletics for a number of years and retired
from teaching microbiology and botany at Southeastern after 40 years. Emiliy retired
as an associate professor in Nursing. The scholarship is for a student athlete with
a preference for a Biology or Nursing student who is participating in football, volleyball,
soccer or basketball.
Vonnie Borden Memorial Scholarship in Theatre The scholarship was established by her husband Duffy Borden, along with other family
and friends. Vonnie Haisty Borden, an Arkansas native, arrived at Southeastern in
1946 to launch curriculums in theatre and speech. A graduate of Baylor and Northwestern,
she taught and directed plays at the university for over two decades. She was much
loved and respected by her students, colleagues, family and friends. The scholarship
supports a student in Theatre.
Brian M. Bosarge (Tau Kappa Epsilon) Endowed Scholarship The scholarship was established by the Board of Advisors of the Theta Nu chapter of
TKE in honor of their long-time alumni advisor, Brian Bosarge. It is for an initiated
member of TKE or a student in another organization or discipline as determined by
the TKE Board of Advisors.
Boudreaux Family Endowed Scholarship for Future Leaders in Supply Chain Management As an involved member of the College of Business Supply Chain Management Advisory
Board, and the Senior Vice President of Supply Chain at Walmart Corporation, Bryan
Boudreaux ’90 led the way in providing support for the program by establishing the
first endowed scholarship for a student majoring in Supply Chain Management.
Zachary Alan Bourg Physics Research Apprenticeship Zachary Bourg was a senior at Ponchatoula High School and was concurrently enrolled
at Southeastern as a Physics major. The apprenticeship has been established in his
memory to provide a legacy befitting Zachary’s intellectual curiosity. His mother,
Dr. Tammy Bourg, former Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs and Professor
of Psychology at Southeastern established the scholarship for a student majoring
in Physics.
Andrew Bowden Endowed Scholarship in Nursing Andrew Bowden ‘06 began his nursing training at Southeastern as a non-traditional
student at 30 years old, and after obtaining his degree worked in the critical care
unit at North Oaks Medical Center. He truly loved his profession. His parents,
Sara Lovro ‘69 and Jim Bowden ‘69, along with his friends and family established the
scholarship in his memory to assist a non-traditional student (25 or older) in the
nursing program.
Glen D. Bowman Family Endowed Scholarship in Athletics(Basketball) The scholarship was established by Glen Bowman ‘63, a Southeastern Hall of Fame member
for his achievements as a member of Southeastern men’s basketball and track teams.
Glen was also a Lions Athletic Association Board member.The scholarship benefits a
student athlete who plays men’s basketball.
C. Allen Bradley Endowed Scholarship in Business C. Allen Bradley, Jr. ‘73 majored in Government and became an attorney and businessman
in his hometown of DeRidder, Louisiana. From 1984 to 1992, he represented District
31 (Beauregard and Vernon parishes) in the Louisiana House of Representatives. The
scholarship, established by Allen, supports a student majoring in business who is
also a member of the track team.
Allen Bradley Summer School Scholarship (Athletics) C. Allen Bradley, Jr. ‘73 participated in track while attending Southeastern. He majored
in Government and had an impressive career as an attorney in his hometown of DeRidder,
Louisiana. When he retired as CEO of Amerisafe, Inc in 2015 the company established
the scholarship which benefits student athletes, with a preference for those running
track, attending summer school.
The Mollie Robicheaux Branch Endowed Scholarship in Education Mollie Robicheaux Branch received a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in
1961 and Master of Business Education in 1981 from Southeastern, where she was very
active on campus. She went on to become a dedicated educator in Baton Rouge, and was
a charter member of the Starkey Academy. The scholarship was established by her husband,
Irvin Branch ‘59 and son Gene Branch, along with other family members to provide financial
assistance to a student majoring in Education.
David Y. Brian Family Endowed Scholarship in Athletics(Football) David Brian ‘68 played football for Southeastern in the early 60’s and graduated in
Health, Safety, Physical Education and Coaching. He established the scholarship to
support a Southeastern football player from Baton Rouge, Walker or Denham Springs.
Sharlotte and Brian Endowment for the Support of Football Bret Brian ‘85, a former football player and Business graduate and his wife, Sharlotte
Jackson Brian ‘87, a Consumer Family Sciences graduate established the scholarship
to support a Southeastern football player.
Bright Futures Endowed First Generation Scholarship This Louisiana Board of Regents matched scholarship was established by a former faculty
member who wishes to remain anonymous. This faculty member had a truly giving heart
and desired to assist first generation students who exhibited true financial need
and who carried a “B” average.
LaVanner Brown Endowed Scholarship The scholarship was established in memory of Lavanner S. Brown by her colleagues at
Southeastern in 2005. Lavanner served as executive director of Southeastern’s TRIO/GEAR
UP programs. The scholarship provides financial support to a student who is an active
participant in the TRIO/GEAR Up program.
Dr. Robert Carl Brown Endowed Scholarship in Math Dr. Brown was Professor Emeritus and Department Head Emeritus of Mathematics at Southeastern.
He endowed a scholarship to benefit a student studying math at Southeastern. The
scholarship was established through the BellSouth challenge grant, which matched gifts
from University faculty and staff.
Bruce and Michelle Mortensen Brumfield Endowed Scholarship The scholarship was established by Bruce Brumfield ‘84 and Michelle Mortensen Brumfield
‘86 in 2012. Bruce was a residential advisor and graduated in Accounting. Michelle
graduated in Merchandising. The scholarship for a current residential advisor was
a way for them to show their appreciation for the opportunities and experiences that
Southeastern provided them, and it supports a student residential advisor.
Bradley Lane Brummel (Kappa Alpha) Endowed Scholarship The scholarship was established in memory of Bradley Brummel by his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Brummel, in 1999. Bradley was a first year business major and a member
of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity. The Bradley Lane Brummel scholarship provides financial
assistance to a full-time student who is a member of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity.
G. Dean Brunson and Judy C. Gavant Endowed Scholarship in MarketingDean Brunson, a 1982 graduate of the College of Business with a degree in Business
Administration established this scholarship in both his and his wife’s names to provide
support to a student majoring in Marketing with financial need. While a student, Dean
was an active member in the Student Marketing Association Club.
Nathan and Evelyn Bruser Endowed Scholarship in Track and Field Nathan Bruser ‘94, ‘97 and Evelyn Dunn Bruser ‘94, ‘96 established the scholarship
in Track and Field. Nathan was a member of the Track and Field team while a student
and his wife “Evie” was a cheerleader. The scholarship supports a student track athlete.
F. Kenton Bueche Memorial Scholarship Accounting faculty member Stella Helluin and her husband Jay established this scholarship
in memory of Stella’s father, Kenton Bueche. The scholarship benefits a student
majoring in Accounting.
Christina Vachetta Buehler Memorial Endowed Scholarship The scholarship was established by family and friends of Christina Buehler ‘77, ‘79.
Receiving both an Undergraduate and Masters degrees in Business Education from Southeastern,
she was a faculty member and had been a longtime employee of AmSouth Bank. She was
active in community and civic affairs, having served as president of the Hammond Chamber
of Commerce Board and an organizer of the Hammond Balloon Festival. The scholarship
is for a student majoring in marketing who, like Christina, is from the New Orleans
Gordon & Margaret Burgess Endowed Scholarship Former Parish President Gordon Burgess and his wife Margaret continue to serve the
citizens of Tangipahoa faithfully and bring opportunity for many with the creation
of their legacy scholarship at Southeastern. Students recipients of the scholarship
will have graduated from Loranger High School, Independence High School, Amite High
School, Sumner High School, or Kentwood High School and will be majoring in Music,
Political Science or any area offered by the College of Business.
Brandon Buras Memorial Scholarship Brandon Buras was a senior attending Southeastern on a rodeo scholarship and majoring
in biology and pre-med. He was president of the SLU Rodeo Association and was a member
of Cowboys for Christ. At the age 22, Brandon was a rising rodeo star when tragedy
struck and he was killed in a bull-riding accident The scholarship was established
by the Southeastern Rodeo Association to be awarded to a senior pre-med student.
William M. “Bill” Burch Endowed Scholarship in Accounting The scholarship was established by his wife, Judy Burch ‘71, ‘79 and other family
members and friends as a fitting and meaningful memorial for her husband Bill Burch
‘67 who Judy believes would have been pleased to provide lasting support for a Southeastern
student majoring in accounting.
Laurie Ann Bennett Burns Endowed Scholarship in Family and Consumer Sciences Laurie was a junior at Southeastern at the time of her passing. The scholarship established
in her memory was endowed by her husband, Ernie Burns along with contributions from
friends, faculty, sorority sisters of Sigma Sigma Sigma, and the Southeastern Faculty
and Staff Scholarship Matching Fund. The scholarship provides assistance to a student
majoring in Family and Consumer Sciences and supports a field study experience.