Library Policies and Mission

Library Mission and Policies

Our Mission

The mission of the Linus A. Sims Memorial Library is to provide materials, services and instruction that support the University community and to promote information literacy and lifelong learning within the region.

To this end, Sims Memorial Library shall:

  • provide access to appropriate resources through acquisition and subscriptions, through membership in academic library consortia, and through other information retrieval and delivery systems;
  • educate and encourage users to retrieve and utilize information independently, wisely, and efficiently;
  • partner with the region’s libraries and parish school systems to prepare students for the higher education environment, and;
  • provide informational and cultural resources for the people of southeast Louisiana.


Cell phones, pagers, and similar electronic devices should be set to no-ring (vibrate) mode and should only be used in lobby areas.

Devices with headphones should be set at a low volume so sound is not audible to others.

Sims Memorial Library is primarily a place for research and study by the University community. As such, it is important that an atmosphere conducive to research and quiet study is maintained at all times.

For reasons of safety and consideration for our patrons, children under the age of thirteen must be in the company of and under the constant supervision of an adult.

Disruption and noise are not acceptable behaviors in the Library, and after an initial warning, parents of disruptive children will be asked to remove them from the Library. Any children not accompanied by an adult will be detained and their parents called.

Please note: Unaccompanied children under 13 may arrange access to Federal Depository library collections and services by contacting the FDLP Coordinator at 985-549-3485 or via email at [email protected].

The Library appreciates your patronage and has your safety and well-being, as well as those of your children, in mind. Please work with us to insure that all patrons’ rights are upheld.

Sims Memorial Library seeks to create a welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment for our users. It is also the Library’s responsibility to preserve an environment conducive to research and study. Behavior that disrupts or obstructs academic pursuits or the delivery of library services is a violation of this policy.

Inappropriate conduct includes, but is not limited to:

  • Creating excessive noise (including the use of audible sound generating devices) that interferes with the normal operations of the Library or with another’s right to study
  • Engaging in hostile or rowdy behavior
  • Conduct that is disorderly, lewd, or indecent, including the use of language that is considered lewd or indecent
  • Any form of sexual harassment, including the display of sexually explicit objects or pictures, print or electronic
  • Obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian traffic
  • Threatening, intimidating, coercing, harassing, or using physical force in a manner that causes another person to be reasonably apprehensive or which endangers the health or safety of oneself or another person
  • Soliciting goods, services, or donations
  • Distribution of non-Library materials to patrons or staff without permission from Library administration
  • Failure to comply with the directions of a Library staff member in the performance of his/her duties
  • Any conduct that violates the Responsible Computing policy, other University policies, the Student Code of Conduct, or federal/state/local laws

If a user is found to be abusing a policy or exhibiting disruptive behavior in the facility, a verbal warning will be issued. Warnings may be issued by any library team member, including student workers.

After one warning is issued, the user will be asked to leave the facility if the disruptions continue.

The user is expected to leave the facility immediately.

If the user fails to leave, University Police will be called to escort the patron from the facility. Circulation will be notified when the police have been called to help direct responding officers.

If a user is found to be participating in illegal behavior or activities, University Police will be called immediately.

Electrical cords must not be draped across aisles or in any manner that creates a tripping hazard.

Charging towers are located throughout the building for patron use but should not be moved around.

Charging towers should not be daisy-chained together. This creates a fire hazard.

Do not unplug library technology or equipment in order to plug in a personal device.

Food and drinks are allowed in Sims Library.

Beverages must be in firmly-lidded, spill-proof containers and are permitted in most areas throughout the Library. Areas that don’t allow beverages are marked with signs.

Patrons are expected to put all food and drink related trash into one of the many trash cans located throughout the building.

Spills should be reported to a Library staff member.

Sims Library’s Lost and Found is located at the Circulation Desk on the first floor.

Personal items found by staff in the Library’s departments may be held in the department until the end of the day and then turned in to the Lost and Found. Items found in other areas of the building will usually be turned in to the Lost and Found immediately.

Patrons who find a lost personal item are asked to give it to a Library staff member or to turn it in at the Circulation Desk.

If someone in the library is being noisy or disruptive, please report the problem to the Circulation Desk at (985) 549-3968.

The Sims Memorial Library follows the University guidelines on pets on campus. Pets are not allowed in University buildings, including classrooms, offices, laboratories, hallways, stairways, elevators, restrooms and common areas, except when accommodations are being made for students with disabilities (e.g. service animals). Faculty, staff and students should not bring pets to campus, and at no time should a pet be left unattended on campus grounds.

If you would like to review the policy, please click here.

Sims Library makes it a policy not to proctor exams or validate students’ presence or attendance at classes or events through sign-in sheets, validation notes, or any other means.

Students who need to take an exam which must be proctored should contact the University’s Office of Testing in the Main Building, North Campus, Room 172. The Office of Testing will proctor exams for students with disabilities who are registered with the Office of Student Accessibility Services and, for a fee, students from other schools who find it more convenient to take an exam at Southeastern.