American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection

American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection

Title:  American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection

Access: This database is available to authorized Southeastern users (on- or off-campus).
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Producer: American Antiquarian Society (AAS) and EBSCO

Coverage: AAS Historical Periodicals Collection covers historic American magazine and journals
published between 1683 and 1912.

Contents: Provides digital images of pages and articles. The entire collection includes fifty
smaller thematic databases which have been grouped into nine collections: Agriculture,
Applied Science & Technology, Art, Business, Education, History, Music, Religion,
and Women’s Studies.

Notes: A list of publications included in each of the fifty databases is available by clicking
on Publications on the search page.

Help: Search help is available by clicking on Help at the top of the search page.

To return to the databases list, please click your browser’s back button.Go to Library Databases by Subject