Biological Abstracts

Biological Abstracts

Title:  Biological Abstracts

Access: This database is available to authorized Southeastern users (on- or off-campus). Login

Producer: Produced by the Web of Sciences Group and available to Southeastern via EBSCOhost

Category: Biological Sciences; Chemistry and Physics; Kinesiology and Health Studies; Psychology

Coverage: 1969 to present

Content: Provides comprehensive coverage of life science literature as it indexes and abstracts
over 5,000 international scientific journals. Provides links to some full-text articles.

Notes: Sims Memorial Library also owns the following print index:

Biological AbstractsLOCATION: 3RD FLOOR BOUND SERIALSCALL NUMBER: QH 301 .B37LIBRARY HAS: v.1 (1926) – vol.49 (1968)

Help: Search help is available at the Help link at the top right of the EBSCOhost search
page. Controlled Vocabulary in Biological Abstracts is based on the Major Concepts
of the BIOSYS Authority File; please note that this link takes you to an archived web page of BIOSIS Controlled

The list of periodicals indexed and abstracted in this database can be found in the
Master Journal List. Web of Science Group notes, “The Master Journal List is a free resource and may
be searched and browsed with no paywalls. Users are asked to log in or create a free
account before viewing journal profile pages in order to help us learn more about
user journeys and to shape our future development plans to fit your needs.”

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