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Communication Abstracts

Title: Communication Abstracts

Access:  This database is available to authorized Southeastern users (on- or off-campus). Login help

Producer:  Formerly by Sage Periodicals Press

Category:  Communication and Media Studies

Coverage:  Begins in the 1920s for some publications

Update:  Bimonthly

Content:  A comprehensive source of information about communication-related publications on
a world-wide scale, COMMUNICATION ABSTRACTS covers major communication-related articles,
reports, and books from a variety of publishers, research institutions, and information
sources-providing coverage of recent literature in the areas of general communication,
mass communication, small group communication, organizational communication, journalism,
public relations, radio, public opinion, speech, and television. General film-related
topics, with the exception of experimental or research items, are excluded because
of the availability of bibliographic and abstracting services in this area.

Notes:  A list of subject terms is available by clicking on the Indexes link at the top
of the search interface, then selecting Subjects in the drop down menu and clicking
on the Browse button.

Publications included

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