Ebook Central (ProQuest)

Ebook Central (ProQuest)

Title:  Ebook Central

Access: This collection of ebooks is available to authorized Southeastern users (on or off-campus).
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Producer: ProQuest

Category: Multidisciplinary

Coverage: This ebook collection currently includes over 140,000 titles with current and back
list titles from multiple publishers.

Update: New titles are added periodically.

Content: Ebook Central was formerly known as ebrary Academic Complete. It is an interdisciplinary
collection and includes ebook titles covering a number of academic subjects.

Help: Search and downloading help is available from the Ebook Central LibGuide.

Ebook Central ebooks can be read online or downloaded. Users will need Adobe Digital
Editions to download ebooks to laptops and desktops. Users will need Bluefire Reader
(available from the App Store) and Adobe ID to download to tablets and mobile devices.
Instructions can be found at Ebook Central Help.

Users also have the option to print, copy, or download a portion of an ebook (up to
58 pages) per user session.

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