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Nursing & Allied Health Premium (ProQuest)

Title: Nursing & Allied Health Premium (ProQuest)

Access: This database is available to authorized Southeastern users (on- or off-campus).
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Producer: ProQuest

Category: Communication Sciences and Disorders; Nursing

Coverage: 1986 to present

Content: Provides indexing and abstracting for more than 690 titles, with over 570 titles in
full-text. Reliable healthcare information covering nursing, allied health, complementary
medicine and much more. Over 70 wide-ranging topics including nursing, nutrition,
public health, oncology, pediatric care, communication sciences, and pharmacology.

Notes: A list of periodicals indexed, abstracted and included in full-text format can be
found in the ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source publication list.

Help: Search tips and a Thesaurus are available at the top of the search page or at the
ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Database LibGuide.

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