Web of Science™

Web of Science™

Title: Web of Science

Access: This database is available to authorized Southeastern users (on- or off-campus).
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Producer: Clarivate Analytics

Category: Biological Sciences; Chemistry and Physics; Communication and Media Studies; Communication
Science and Disorders; Computer Science; Counseling; English; Family and Consumer
Science; History and Political Science; Industrial and Engineering Technology; Kinesiology
and Health Studies; Management; Mathematics; Music and Performing Arts; Philosophy;
Psychology; Social Work; Sociology and Criminal Justice; Visual Arts + Design; World Languages
and Cultures

Coverage: 1975-

Update: Daily

Content: Consists of three databases: Science Citation Index Expanded®, Social Sciences Citation
Index®, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. They index over 8,400 journals and provide
abstracts for more recent articles; features citation searching from a known reference
to find newer literature.

Links to Full Text in other databases

Notes: The Clarivate Analytics Master Journal List provides names of all journals indexed in these databases.

Help: A Tutorial is available from the opening page. Search tips are available by clicking
on “Help” at the top of the page.

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