Kinesiology and Health Studies

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Recommended Resources

Academic Video Online: Premium – Academic Video Online: Premium contains over 66,000 streaming videos with coverage in all academic subject areas.
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Biological Abstracts – Indexes and abstracts life science literature; provides some links to full-text
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Books at JSTOR – Books at JSTOR contains over 32,000 ebooks published prior to 2016 from a number
of academic publishers with subject strengths in the humanities and social sciences. 
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Counseling and Therapy in Video: Library – The library includes access to Counseling and Therapy in Video, Volumes I-IV, and contains over 2,400 hours of therapy sessions and training videos.
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Drug Information Portal – see PubChem.  A brief description for PubChem is below, listed alphabetically.

Education Database (ProQuest) – Provides full-text journal articles from hundreds of education journals.
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Emerald Health & Social Care eJournal Collection – Indexes, abstracts and provides some full text of articles from international journals in subjects including intellectual/learning disabilities, mental health, criminology and forensic practice, working with vulnerable groups and management of services.
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ERIC (EBSCO) – Indexes and abstracts articles from education journals as well as the ERIC document
collection. Provides comprehensive coverage of published and unpublished educational
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Health Source – Indexes health journals and provides full-text for nearly scholarly journals in
many medical disciplines.
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Mango Languages – An online language-learning program for over 70 languages including English. Lessons range from basic to comprehensive language and grammar skills, and can include casual
conversations, films, and specialty courses in culture. Users can create a profile to track their language learning progress.
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Physical Education Index – Indexes peer-reviewed journals, report literature, conference proceedings, trade magazines, patents, articles from the popular press, and other publications that deal
with aspects of Physical Education.
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PubChem – This website is considered the replacement for Drug Information Portal. They describe
themselves as “… the world’s largest collection of freely accessible chemical information.
Search chemicals by name, molecular formula, structure, and other identifiers. Find
chemical and physical properties, biological activities, safety and toxicity information,
patents, literature citations and more.”

Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Source – Indexes and provides full text articles journals in orthopedics, physiology, nutrition, sports exercise, and physical therapy.
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SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine & Health – Over 500 case studies showing how methods are applied in real research projects. 

SAGE Video Collections– Brings teaching, learning, and research to life through editorially curated collections across the social, behavioral, and health sciences.

Science Citation Index Expanded® – Indexes and provides abstracts for the world’s leading scientific and technical journals beginning in 1986 with links to locally available content.
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Statistical Abstract of the United States, Online Edition – The Statistical Abstract of the United States, Online Edition is a comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the U.S. with over 1400 browseable and searchable tables.
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Statistical Abstracts of the World, Online Edition – The Statistical Abstracts of the World provide summaries of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of many different countries.
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Web of Science™ – Consists of three databases, Science Citation Index Expanded®, Social Sciences
Citation Index®, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index®; indexes and provides abstracts
for more recent articles.
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Other Resources

Academic Search Complete – Indexes, abstracts and provides selected full-text of articles published in scholarly publications from many disciplines.
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AltHealth Watch – Indexes and provides full-text coverage of international journals, reports, proceedings,
newsletters, pamphlets, and special report from complementary, holistic and integrated
approaches to health care and wellness.
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American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection – Indexes and provides images of historic American magazine and journal pages and articles, published 1683 – 1912. Of special interest to Kinesiology & Heath Studies: Alternative Medicine and Health Periodicals, 1810-1877; American Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry Periodicals, 1786-1877; Hobbies, Socialization, and Sport Periodicals, 1775-1889.
American Antiquarian Society Historical Periodicals Collection  more info

CINAHL Ultimate – Indexes, abstracts and provides selected full-text articles for articles from nursing,
allied health, biomedical and consumer health journals, newsletters, standards of practice, practice acts, government publications, research instruments, patient education material, legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, drug records, and clinical trials.
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GreenFILE – Indexes and abstracts scholarly, government and general-interest titles regarding
the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments.
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MedicLatina – Provides full-text of articles from peer-reviewed Spanish language, Latin American
medical journals, including neuroscience, cardiology, nephrology, biomedicine, clinical
research, pediatrics, human reproduction, clinical pathology, cancer research, and
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MEDLINE – Indexes scholarly journals and covers all areas of medicine and health sciences
(including nursing, allied health and nutrition). Provides links to some full-text
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Research Library (ProQuest) – Indexes and abstracts popular and scholarly periodicals including full-text, full images, or text and graphics of articles from thousands of titles.
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