Affordable Learning Louisiana

Affordable Learning Louisiana


The goal of the Affordable Learning LOUISiana initiative, administered by LOUIS (the consortium of college and university libraries
in Louisiana) with Board of Regents support, is to “save students money on education
by reducing the costs of instructional materials through the use of eTextbooks, Open
Educational Resources (OERs), and other open access materials.”* To learn more about
the initiative, please visit the LOUIS Affordable Learning site listed above.

Rising costs for tuition and textbooks have become a barrier for academic success
and retention for many students on a national level. The use of Open Textbooks and
Open Educational Resources (OER) by faculty helps to reduce these costs, and adopting
these free resources as alternatives to traditional textbooks is a growing trend in
higher education. 

Affordable Learning Resources and Program 

Affordable Learning Louisiana

LOUIS OER Commons is a repository of open educational resources aligned with the Louisiana Statewide
Common Course Catalog. This repository also facilitates the creation of new OER by
Louisiana educators.

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Open and Affordable Learning – Sims Library LibGuide