Sims Library is hosting “Affordable Learning LOUISiana

An Introduction to Open Educational Resources (OER) and Affordable Educational Resources (AER)”

Thursday, April 15 at 2:00-3:00pm via Google Meet.

What is Affordable Learning LOUISiana? What is the difference between OER and AER resources? How can I transform my course using OER or AER materials? Paul Kelsey, Angela Dunnington, and Andrea Alexander, Sims Memorial Library, will provide an overview of resources and topics related to Affordable Learning. The presentation will include an introduction to Creative Commons licenses, the Open Textbook Library, the LOUIS OER Commons, OER and AER course markings, the Faculty Portal, CloudSource OA, and Books at JSTOR and SAGE Knowledge, two current evidence based acquisitions (EBA) programs at Sims Library. Please join us for this virtual presentation to learn more about OER and AER resources for possible use in your courses.


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Monday, March 29, 2021 12:45:28 PM CDT