A “Job Description” is a detailed listing of the important factors that make up a job, including the nature of work, the specific tasks performed, the duties and responsibilities, who the position reports to, who the position supervises, as well as the required and/or preferred skills, abilities, education, and related experience needed to perform the job. For more information on how Civil Service jobs are classified, see the Position Classification Policy.
Southeastern Louisiana University expects all employees to assume diligent responsibility for their attendance and promptness. Recognizing, however, that illnesses and injuries occur, Southeastern Louisiana University offers sick leave and short-term disability plans, for certain time lost. Eligibility is based on the type of appointment and employee status (full-time vs. part-time) for the plans offered.
Should an employee be unable to work because of illness, the supervisor or department head must be notified in accordance with departmental policy. Failure to properly notify the department could result in an unexcused absence. If an employee is absent for more than five consecutive days, a statement from a health care professional is required before being permitted to return to work. The University reserves the right to require an employee to be examined by a health care professional designated by the University at its discretion, especially where abuse is suspected. For example, when an employee’s leave record indicates a pattern of short absences and/or frequent absences before or after holidays or weekends.
For any department to operate efficiently, each employee must be at their place of assignment at the scheduled time. Excessive tardiness on the part of any employee should be considered when recommending salary increases or promotions. Employees reporting to work late will be subject to being docked for the actual time missed. Employees with continued tardiness records should be recommended for disciplinary action. Absenteeism or tardiness that is unexcused or excessive in the judgment of the University is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. An employee with seven or more unscheduled absences may be non-disciplinary removed from their position. See Unscheduled Absences Policy.
As integral members of the Southeastern Louisiana University team, employees are expected to accept certain responsibilities, adhere to acceptable business principles in matters of personal conduct, and exhibit a high degree of personal integrity at all times. This not only involves sincere respect for the rights and feelings of others, but also demands that both in business and personal life that employees refrain from any behavior that might be harmful to him/her, co-workers, and/or the University or that might be viewed as unfavorable by current or potential customers (students) or by the public at large. Employees of Southeastern Louisiana University are expected to comply with accepted standards of personal conduct.
Whether on duty or off, an employee’s conduct reflects on the University. He/she is consequently encouraged to observe the highest standard of professionalism at all times. Southeastern Louisiana University, like other employers, has established work rules. These rules are specifically designed to aid Southeastern Louisiana University and employees in achieving a safe working environment and operational goals to better enhance competitiveness in higher education, while also creating a consistent and fair method in dealing with violations. Types of behavior and conduct that Southeastern Louisiana University considers inappropriate include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Unscheduled, unexcused absence or tardiness
- Leaving the assigned work area or University premises during working hours without permission
- Failing to report absence as required by individual departmental policy- not calling in by specified time (failure to follow department guidelines concerning notification of absenteeism)
- Failing to return from leave of absence as scheduled
- Abusing lunch and break periods or eating food and/or drinking beverages in undesignated areas
- Improper use of sick leave (calling in requesting sick leave when you are not sick)
- Punching another employee in or out, or allowing or asking another employee to punch you in or out on the on-line timekeeping system
- Falsifying payroll records
- Making unauthorized solicitations or distributions during working time (soliciting gifts or tips from business-related contracts or selling products such as Avon)
- Failure to follow established work procedures (skipping steps in processes) or concealing defective work
- Insubordination and/or refusal to follow instructions of a supervisor, including but not limited to:
-Refusal to do an assigned job
-Refusal to work overtime when required
-Refusal to render assistance
-Refusal to accept holiday work when assigned
-Insolent response to a work order
-Delay in carrying out an assignment
- Smoking in an unauthorized area
- Failure or inability to produce quality and/or quantity of work desired or wasting University owned materials
- Restricting one’s own production or interfering with the work or production of another employee (causing disruption)-visiting or interfering with others while at work
- Loafing, roaming, loitering, or leaving workstation without proper notification or permission, (quitting early without notification or permission, standing around time clock longer than necessary)
- Sleeping on the job
- Conducting personal business on University time. Using University telephones or facility communication systems inappropriately or for personal business-using University computers for personal business including accessing confidential computer files and data (computers should not be used to access web sites that contain pornography or other offensive, inappropriate pictures or information, see Harassment Policy)
- Fighting or committing an assault (see Violence in the Workplace Policy)
- Using obscene, abusive, or threatening language or gestures, engaging in vulgar or abusive language or conduct toward others (see Violence in the Workplace Policy and Harassment Policy)
- Gambling on University premises, including football pools, or using computer equipment to gamble on line during working hours
- Using or being under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics on University premises or while on duty for the University-when using prescription drugs advise your supervisor that you are on medication
- The illegal use, or possession, distribution, manufacture, or sale of controlled substances by employees at the work site, or while the employee is on official state business, on duty or on call for duty
- Participating in disorderly, offensive, immoral conduct, indecent behavior, gross misconduct
- Creating conflict or instigating situations with coworkers, supervisors, students or other staff that negatively impact the working relationship
- Concealing, removing, falsifying University records or documents, falsifying employment or other official University records-disclosing information, confidential records or documents to unauthorized persons-sabotaging the facility, grounds or equipment
- Stealing or committing any criminal offenses on University property (being dishonest, including but not limited to deception, fraud, lying, cheating or theft)
- Violating safety and/or security regulations, being negligent
- Failure to wear or use safety equipment in the manner it was intended for
- Operating or using machinery in an unsafe manner, inappropriate way, or without safety guards-failing to follow manufacturer’s guidelines which could cause warranty to be voided
- Unauthorized use (borrowing for personal use) of University supplies, materials, equipment, tools, or machinery, computers, printers, (making personal copies on Xerox machine)
- Horseplay or use of machinery, equipment or tools in a hazardous manner-horseplay resulting in injuries may disqualify individuals from being eligible to receive worker’s compensation benefits
- Damage to or improper use of University property willfully, deliberately or through gross negligence
- Possessing firearms, weapons, explosives and so on, on University premises including parking lots for employees. Only University Police Officers are authorized to carry firearms on campus
- Reporting occupational injury/illness of an employee, or accidents which result in damage to University property or property of others must be reported immediately or no later than the end of the shift on the day the accident/incident occurred. Employees who fail to file reports are subject to disciplinary action
- Unauthorized possession of University property (stealing or using without permission)
- Disclosure of confidential information to unauthorized persons – failing to maintain the confidentiality of University, student, or employee information
- Failure to properly register, park or operate personal vehicles on University property or off-campus when on official business – failure to notify the Human Resources Director, the Director of Hazardous Waste Management and Safety, and immediate supervisor of receiving traffic tickets for DWI, reckless operation, or speeding, since these affect your ability to drive for the University
- Unauthorized use of University vehicles, including but not limited to
-Picking up lunch
-Running a personal errand off campus while on duty
-Giving unauthorized passengers rides
- Removing, posting, or altering notices on any bulletin board on University Property without permission
- Failure to wear proper or complete uniforms issued by the University or failure to follow departmental dress code or dress appropriately for the job
- Soliciting or accepting gifts or gratuities as prohibited by the State of Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics. State employees are prohibited by the State Code of Ethics from soliciting or accepting, anything of economic value as a gift or gratuity from any person if the employee knows or reasonably should know that the person has or is seeking to obtain contractual or other business or financial relationships with Southeastern Louisiana University
- Failure to account for state funds or property by the employee responsible
- Violation of institutional regulations and policies
- Classified employees are prohibited from engaging in political campaigns or using the job for political purposes. This will result in immediate dismissal. An employee may serve as a commissioner or an official poll watcher at the polls in any election. For more information on this subject see the section on Political Activity or contact the Human Resources Office
- Employees are required by federal law to notify the Human Resources Office within five (5) working days of conviction under any criminal drug statute where such conviction occurred in the workplace, while on official business, during work hours, or when on call for duty
- Supervisors who fail to report or to cover-up delinquency or misconduct, or fail to take proper action in such cases because of friendship or other personal reasons, or because they do not agree with the disposition made of certain cases, are not only evading their responsibility but also acting contrary to the best interests of the University and will be subject to disciplinary action
- Failure to report a change of status in drivers license to immediate supervisor and Department Head, (i.e.) suspended drivers license, expired drivers license, revoked drivers license when drivers license is required for job
- Failure to acquire and maintain licensure or certification as required by the job description of certain positions may result in a non-disciplinary termination
When work performance, work habits, overall behavior, conduct or demeanor become unsatisfactory in the judgment of the University, based on violations of either of the above or of any other Southeastern Louisiana University policies, rules, or regulations, the employee will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Keep in mind at all times that as employees of Southeastern Louisiana University all of us are public servants. As such, we are obligated in both direct and indirect dealings with citizens of our State to serve efficiently and courteously. Visitors to Southeastern Louisiana University, for business or for other reasons, are to be received politely. They should be treated with the same courtesy and consideration that we would expect to receive if we visited another state agency or private business. All employees are expected to be pleasant, courteous and cooperative at all times. They are expected to refrain from any evidence of bad mouthing, talking down to anyone, or negatively representing their department, themselves, co-workers, students, or any member of our University family.
Employees are also required to keep their workstation and surrounding area clean and orderly. Before departing in the evening, employees should lock files and cabinets and clear all work materials from desk surfaces, especially materials of a sensitive and confidential nature.
Discretion in style of dress and behavior is essential to the efficient operation of the University. Employees are required to dress in appropriate business attire for their position and to behave in a professional business like manner. Please use good judgment in the choice of work clothes if not required to wear a uniform. Remember to conduct yourself at all times in a way that best represents you and the University.
Employees required to wear uniforms are expected to wear them properly and in their entirety. Uniforms must be clean, pressed, and neatly maintained at all times. Shoes must be in good condition and polished or brushed clean and should be a type appropriate for the job being performed, i.e. a closed in shoe worn while cutting grass, or involved in a construction project, not a sandal, etc. Nametags must be worn if issued. Undergarments should be suitable for the uniform. Jewelry may be limited depending on the position (e.g. food preparers and handlers may have restrictions placed by the department for sanitation and safety reasons).
Employees are expected to follow personal hygiene practices as needed for their specific job assignment such as:
- Bathing daily and using deodorant
- Keeping hair clean and neat
- Keeping finger nails neat and clean (some restrictions may apply to length and to nail polish for certain positions based on departmental policy), and
- Washing hands with soap and water before going to work, after using the restroom, after smoking a cigarette, after handling food waste, garbage, dirty dishes, rags, blowing your nose, coughing, sneezing, scratching or handling anything that is unclean.
Employees failing to adhere to proper University standards with respect to appearance, demeanor, and hygiene are subject to disciplinary action.