A Message from the President

On Friday, November 7th, Governor Jindal signed an Executive Order freezing spending by State agencies.

The only clear exception to the spending freeze provided for post-secondary education is the purchase of essential instructional supplies. The Order also allows for an exemption for essential supplies (non-instructional) up to 75% of initial appropriations, and we are hoping to receive further guidance as it relates to this item. In order to ensure compliance in the meantime, we have established a protocol whereby any expenditures for supplies outside of essential instructional supplies should be routed through the Vice President for Administration and Finance for approval to ensure the 75% threshold has not been exceeded for our agency. All other operating fund expenditures not already encumbered for travel, acquisitions and all other items and services appear to be frozen under the Order.

The Board of Regents is working with the Division of Administration for additional guidance on how the Executive Order affects higher education specifically. We will update you as soon as additional information and/or guidance is made available.

Budget unit heads are directed to exercise extreme caution in the expenditure of operating funds and to communicate with the Vice President for Administration and Finance with any questions about the Order.