A Message from the President

I am pleased to report that our visit and evaluation by the SACS On-Site Reaffirmation Committee has concluded, with the members departing campus this morning. The members of the visit team were complimentary of our institution and campus community. They were very impressed with the faculty and staff with whom they met and were especially impressed with our students who participated in discussions with the team.

While the ultimate decision about reaffirmation will not be made until December 2015, the outcome of the process to date has been very positive, resulting in only one recommendation relative to the Principles of Accreditation.

Our proposed QEP, Real-World Ready, was well received by the evaluators, and they have provided several consultative suggestions for further refinement and improvement of the plan.

I want to thank everyone involved in the reaffirmation effort which has been ongoing for the last couple of years. Likewise, I want to express my sincere appreciation to all of those who worked so diligently over the last several weeks as we prepared for and hosted the On-Site Committee.

It is truly gratifying to be part of an organization that, despite having faced many challenges in recent years, remains committed to the success of our students. Clearly, we are at our best when we pull together to accomplish that goal.

John L. Crain