Accreditation Update​

July 13, 2021

As you know, Southeastern is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).  

Reaffirmation of accreditation is sought every 10 years, with our last reaffirmation occurring in 2015.  SACSCOC also requires member institutions to submit an Impact Report on its Quality Enhancement Plan and documentation of compliance with 22 specific standards via a Fifth-Year Interim Report, which we submitted earlier this spring. 

While it is quite common for institutions to be asked to submit follow-up documentation in order to demonstrate compliance, this past week I received correspondence from Dr. Belle Wheelan, President of SACSCOC, informing me Southeastern’s Fifth-Year Interim Report had been reviewed and no additional reporting would be required.  Our QEP Impact Report was also reviewed and accepted.

I want to offer my congratulations and appreciation to each of you for your contribution to this successful effort, with a special thanks to those tasked with writing the report. The fact that no additional follow-up was required is a true testament to the commitment to excellence embraced by the entire Southeastern family! 

John L. Crain