Southeastern Re-Opening Progress Update

September 8, 2021

As I write this update, one of our campus grounds crew members is busy mowing the grass outside my office.  Last week at this time you could scarcely walk five feet on campus without having to step around a fallen tree or step over other storm debris.  The fact that someone is able to mow the grass is a real testament to how much has been accomplished in terms of tree and debris removal. 

With facility damage assessment largely complete, attention is now being turned primarily to moisture mitigation as well as roof and other repairs.  As a result, campus is buzzing less with the sound of chainsaws and more with the activity of our crews and contractors and the sounds of their generators and other equipment.

Electric utility service crews are busy working in the area and each day sees more of the surrounding community with electric power restored.  We continue to be hopeful that restoration of power to the main campus is imminent.

Today, staff launched an electronic “survey” to collect information about the status of our students.  We will supplement the information gleaned from those who are able to respond electronically with calls as staff will be brought in to operate the call center now that power has been restored to north campus. 

Similar status information will be solicited from faculty and staff through communications from supervisors.  All of this information about the status of campus community members will help inform the campus reopening decision process.

I will continue to update the campus as additional details become available. 


John L. Crain
Southeastern Louisiana University