Gobiernos Locales Digitales


The global economy, technological advances, and society's new schemas have delineated an ever accelerating process of transformation for today's governments, corporations, and private entities towards an environment of competition, global vision, and the fortification of our human resource capabilities.


In our times, it's recognized that information technologies, added to economic changes and the organization of our current civil society, have ceased to be domestic in nature, instead they are forces of international vision with better, more solid, organization. Modern society, more so every day, strives under and depends on challenges, inter-dependence, group efforts, and a multi-disciplinary approach. We stand before new paradigms, ones which we must face.


The international program XXI Century Digital Local Governments: central axis of local development, offered in conjunction with the prestigious CASTLE2002 agency of Washington DC, represents the foremost opportunity to learn and discuss in one single event the important subjects in the socio-economic, political, technological, and educational areas that are molding the future of the region, covering diverse themes in national perspectives, the municipal experiences of other countries, and developing relationships with international cooperation agencies.


Local Digital Governments must not only direct themselves towards the efficiency, productivity, and transparency of public administrations but they must also principally be, in a deeper, broader environment, the tools that permit the construction of a solid citizenry, the tools that fortify the social fabric and, from a standpoint of local administrations (government or city hall) become true central axes and poles of development in social innovation to benefit the community. Gobiernos Locales Digitales


For more information about this program:
Dr. Guillermo Castillo, President


Dr. Aristides Baraya, Director
Hispanic Business and Leadership Institute
College of Business, Southeastern Louisiana University
Email: abaraya@southeastern.edu