Southeastern to Remain Remote on Thursday, January 23

Safe Campus

Any emergency or act that is criminal in nature should be reported to University Police (985-549-2222).

Southeastern is one of the safest campuses in the region, but we don’t stop there. We have taken significant steps to ensure that our campus remains a safe place to live and learn. In addition to the many security measures already in place, we encourage daily personal safety among students, faculty, staff and visitors while on campus.

University Police uses the Lion Safe App to help facilitate on-campus safety. The app has multiple virtual features including safety walks, friend walks, and blue light phones. Also accessible are campus maps, support resources, the Lion Traxx tracker, a safety toolbox, emergency plans, and a section to report tips. The Lion Safe App is available for download on the App Store and Google Play. 

Current Campus Emergency Updates

Emergency Preparedness Information

Emergency Phone Numbers

985-549-2222 University Police  OR 9-1-1

During major emergencies, campus dispatch may not be available due to the volume of calls or as a result of incident response. In such cases, where there is a busy signal or no answer by campus dispatch, dial 9-1-1.



  • Seek shelter indoors.
  • Check for Shelter-in-Place directive for the Southeastern campus.
  • If a Tornado Warning is issued, seek shelter indoors in an interior room away from windows, and on the lowest floor possible.
  • In the event of a hurricane-related weather emergency, information will be posted on the Southeastern home page.



  • If the fire alarm is not sounding, activate the nearest alarm pull station.
  • Call 985-549-2222 or 9-1-1 to report the fire.
  • Notify and assist people in the immediate area.
  • As you leave, close all doors behind you to limit the movement of smoke or flames.
  • Do not re-enter the building until authorized to do so by emergency personnel.
  • Never assume an alarm is false.
  • Do not use elevators.
  • If unable to exit the building, go to the nearest exit stairwell or safe area of refuge and call 985-549-2222 or call 9-1-1 to report your location.
  • If trained, use a fire extinguisher if the fire is small and contained, and the room is filled with smoke.

Active Shooter

Run, Hide, Fight

  • If an active shooter or violent person is in your vicinity, please attempt to take the following steps:
  • RUN: If you can safely leave, then do so. Get to a safe location away from danger.
  • HIDE: If you cannot safely run, then you must take cover and hide.
  • FIGHT: If you cannot run or hide, then fight. This is a last resort, but fight as hard as you can.

See UPD Resources for more information about “RUN, HIDE, FIGHT”.

Lion Alert

In the event of a campus emergency, Southeastern Louisiana University will activate the LION ALERT Emergency Notification System to provide critical information. LION ALERT utilizes the following methods to send LION ALERTS:


  • Email
  • Text Message
  • Social Media Accounts
  • LION SAFE app
  • Digital Signage
  • Outdoor Warning Siren