Victims of Sexually Oriented Crimes

If you are the victim of a sexually oriented crime, please be aware of the following:


Sexual Misconduct Policy

The University’s Policy regarding victims of Sexual Misconduct can be found by logging
on to the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure. The policy includes definitions of the various sexually oriented offenses prohibited
by Southeastern as well as the reporting options for victims and the process of investigation
and disciplinary proceedings of the University.


Confidential Advisors

Confidential advisors are available to help victims of sexual misconduct.  Confidential
advisors are designated individuals who have been trained to aid a person involved
in a sexual misconduct complaint in the resolution process as a confidential resource. 
Southeastern’s confidential advisors are the licensed counselors employed by the University
Counseling Center.  


The Counseling Center is located at:

303A Union Avenue

Student Union Annex

The phone number for the University Counseling Center is 985.549.3894.

University Counseling Center Website


Reporting Options

A victim of sexual misconduct is encouraged to report to any of the sources below.
Although the victim of sexual misconduct may decline to report the incident, the University
supports, encourages and will assist those who have been the victim of sexual misconduct
to report the incident to any individual or entity listed below:


For more information regarding the roles of these various offices and the actions
each are authorized and/or required to take, refer to Section 4.a of the University
Policy on Sexual Misconduct by logging onto the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure.


·         University Police Department: 985.549.2222

·         Title IX Officer: 985.549.5888

·         Office of Student Advocacy and Accountability: 985.549.2213

·         Human Resources: 985.549.2001

·         Any other Responsible Employee, as defined by Section 1 of the University
Policy on Sexual Misconduct found by logging onto the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure.

·         Anonymous Reports. Anonymous reports can be made at


University Investigation Procedures and Protocols

For information regarding the process of investigation and disciplinary proceedings
of the University refer to Section 6 of the University Policy on Sexual Misconduct
by logging onto the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure.


The Process of Investigation and Adjudication of the Criminal Justice System

For useful information concerning what to expect  should you choose to pursue the
criminal court process RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) provides useful
information.  Log on to

For information regarding programs offered by the District Attorney’s Office for the
21st Judicial District Court dealing with Victim’s Assistance, Rape Crisis and Domestic
Violence log on to


Accommodations That the University Can Provide

The University can issue “no contact” directives to prevent accused abusers from interacting
with victims.

The University will make available at any time, before, during or after the hearing
process, and whether or not the complainant participates in the investigation and
adjudication, additional reasonable accommodations to increase their safety and well
being on campus.  These may include changes of housing accommodations (or changing
the respondent’s housing if preferred and appropriate), academic accommodations such
as extensions of time, tutors, and /or changes of class schedules.  Accommodations
may also include change of class modality (for example, switching to an independent


The National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline

If you need immediate help, call 800.656.HOPE(4673) to be connected with a trained
staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.


RAINN Online Chat Information

Visit to chat one on one with a trained support specialist with RAINN (Rape, Abuse,& Incest
National Network) anytime 24/7. 


Medical Information

The hospital nearest to the University where a victim may have a rape kit administered
by an individual trained in sexual assault forensic medical examination and evidence
collection is North Oaks Medical Center located at 15790 Paul Vega, M.D. Drive, Hammond,
LA.  Information regarding transportation to North Oaks can be obtained by contacting
the University Counseling Center: 

303 A Union Ave.
Student Union Annex
Hammond, LA 70402
Tel: 985-549-3894