Sports Clubs
Last Updated: March 06, 2024
Flipside Dance
President: Taniece Delestre ([email protected])
Advisor: Taneshia Drake ([email protected])
Requirements for Membership:
Section 1: Membership shall be open to all classifications.
Section 2: Active members shall be communicative with the President and Vice President
about attendance.
Section 3: Associate members shall maintain responsibility in their designated position.
Amount of Dues: $30 per semester
Description of Organization: Recreational Dance Team
Judo Club
President: Luc Allain ([email protected])
Advisor: Sanichiro Yoshida ([email protected])
Requirements for Membership: Members must be respectful to one another and the head
coach. They must follow the etiquette of the dojo which includes:
– Members must bow on and off the mats
– Members must take off shoes before going on the mats
– Keep finger nails and toes trimmed
– Provide their own gi
– Must not use Judo to outside of dojo outside of self defense
– Members must participate in dojo maintenance
Amount of Dues: N/A
Description of Organization:
Judo is a Japanese martial art that involves throwing and wrestling your opponent.No
kicking or striking is included in this sport. This quote by the founder of Judo describes
the sport’s philosophy. “Judo is the way of using one’s mental and physical strength
in the most efficient manner. Through training and practicing techniques of offense
and defense, one disciplines and cultivates body and spirit, and thereby masters the
essence of this way. Thus, the ultimate goal of Judo is to strive for personal perfection
by means of this and to benefit the world.” – Jigoro Kano
Rugby Club
President: Keagan Hogg ([email protected])
Advisor: Cliff Fontenot ([email protected])
Requirements for Membership: Full-time student; 2.0 GPA
Amount of Dues: N/A
Description of Organization: Men’s Rugby Team
Gaming Club
President: Nathaniel Fountaine ([email protected])
Advisor: Paulo Regis ([email protected])
Requirements for Membership: Full-time student; 2.0 GPA
Amount of Dues: N/A
Description of Organization: Anyone interest in any Gaming Club.