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Student Help Desk

 How to contact the Student Help Desk?

The Southeastern Student Help Desk is a technical support service for students who are using the various computer systems at Southeastern.  We can be reached via telephone, chat (below) or email.  We provided support via extended hours of operation.  We want to be available to students that may be experiencing technical challenges in the evenings or during the weekend.  It is our goal to support the students that use our systems so that their Southeastern experience is less stressful.

SLU Account Look-up
Find your Southeastern W# account/password information (University ID).

Looking to Purchase a New Device?
See what deals Dell has to offer specifically for Southeastern.

Using LEONet
Learn how to use LEONet at Southeastern.

Account Password Change
Need to change your Southeastern account password because it expired? **Note** Your account password will expire every 180 days (approximately 6 months).  It is a requirement of the university that you change it at least twice a year in an effort to keep it secure.

Forgot your Password?
Don’t remember your Southeastern account password?  This link is where you can reset it yourself if you have you have set up your account properly.  (We recommend that you set up your account to allow you to reset your password online BEFORE you ever forget your password. Southeastern has a few ways within the account information page for you to manage the account yourself and reset your password on your own.)  If those efforts fail, you can always come to campus with your picture ID to get it reset.

Gmail Help (SLU Webmail)
Learn how to get started with your Southeastern Gmail account and learn about many helpful gmail features.

Moodle (Dual Enrollment)/Canvas Help
What you need to know about taking online courses at Southeastern.

Wireless Network Help
Connecting to the wireless network at Southeastern.

Computing Policies at Southeastern
Email Account Deprovisioning, Copyright, Use of Email, Responsible Computing, and Web