Backwards in space $25 For safety issues, you cannot back into a space.
Non registered vehicle/ No hangtag displayed $25 All vehicles on campus must have a current hang tag or permit displayed at all times.
Improper display of parking hang tag/decal $25 Hang tags must be hung from
the rear view mirror facing forward at all times. Decals must be adhered
completely to the passenger side of the windshield- not taped on.
Parked in wrong lot/section $50 Students and employees must park in the
appropriate lot or section.
Immobilization $100 Includes receiving multiple citations, defacing or altering
a hang tag or decal, illegally parking in a designated handicapped space,
blocking another vehicle or access area, vehicles previously barred from
campus, and the transferring of a parking decal from one vehicle to another.
*All Fines are to be paid at the Controller’s Office or online through WorkDay*