Getting Started

The primary tool for managing a Budget Unit is now the PeopleSoft Financials software
package. The following steps are either required or recommended before obtaining access
to Southeastern’s PeopleSoft Financials software.

For PeopleSoft Financials P-Card Access Only:

If you only need access to PeopleSoft Financials for reconciling or approving P-Card
transactions, simply complete the Application for Faculty/Staff Account and submit
it to Client Services, McClimans Hall, Room 109.  You will be notified via email when
your account is available.  Then, watch the appropriate training video(s) for P-Card
reconcilers and approvers on the Training for P-Card Users page.  If you need access for requisitioning, travel, and other functions, see the
following requirements.


For Budget Unit Heads Access:

Budget Unit Heads must complete the Application for Faculty/Staff Account and submit it to Client Services, McClimans Hall, Room 109.  You will be notified
via e-mail when your account is available  No other steps are required, but training
for management functions such as purchase requisition approval and budget review are
available on the PeopleSoft Financials Training and Assessment page.


For Administrative and Clerical Access:

Step 1 (Recommended):

On the PeopleSoft Financials Training and Assessment page, complete the on-line training for:

  • “Navigating in PeopleSoft” (recommended for all users)

  • “Purchase Requisition Entry” (recommended for all users)

  • “Purchase Requisition Entry II Multiple Budget Units”(recommended for clerical staff
    who enter multi-budget requisitions)

  • “Budget Review” (recommended for all users)


Additional training topics are available in the Requisitioning and Travel topics,
and can be completed as needed.


Step 2 (Required):

Take the “Purchase Requisition Entry Assessment” on the PeopleSoft Financials Training and Assessment page. This assessment is required before access will be given to the PeopleSoft Financials
software.  A score of 75% is required on the assessment. When complete, print out
the certificate and sign and print your name on the form.

NOTE:  You can take the assessment as many times as you wish before submitting your certificate.


Step 3:

Upon completion of the signed assessment certificate, attach a  Requisitioning Authorization Form, and forward it to John Foster, Peoplesoft Financials, Box 10725. (Please keep a copy!) Also complete the Application for Faculty/Staff Account and submit it to Client Services, McClimans Hall, Room 109. You will be notified
via e-mail when your account is available.