
Ranked a Tier 1 Institution for Career Planning

Southeastern has been listed as a Tier 1 institution for career planning by Educate to Career (ETC), a non-profit organization that serves as a resource for educational attainment; outcomes-based personalized […]

Sarah Schoonmaker

October 8, 2020

Southeastern has been listed as a Tier 1 institution for career planning by Educate to Career (ETC), a non-profit organization that serves as a resource for educational attainment; outcomes-based personalized college and career planning; and related financial planning, data, and programs in the U.S. Southeastern was selected as one of the Best Colleges for Career Planning Curriculum.

Schools chosen as Tier 1 institutions had to meet the following criteria: a physical campus for in-classroom instruction; robust software and systems to support distance learning programs; faculty experience in teaching online; and reasonable tuition and fees on a relative basis.

“Students and their parents are extremely cautious about college value today,” said Educate to Career President Michael R. Havis. “They want an affordable education that will put them on a pathway to a real career. Southeastern has proven its ability to deliver a meaningful education, while keeping tuition affordable.”

According to Educate to Career’s website, Best Colleges for Career Planning Curriculum was created to help students prepare for the new normal in college and, ultimately, the labor market.

“Our employment model shows the industries that will provide the strongest job opportunities in coming years, and the colleges that will best prepare students for those jobs,” Havis said. “Again, Southeastern is listed as a Tier 1 institution for being up to the task.”

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