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Southeastern encourages students to ‘Don’t Wait. Vaccinate!’

Southeastern Louisiana University is encouraging students to “Don’t Wait. Vaccinate!” with a new incentive plan.

Tonya Lowentritt

July 27, 2021

dont wait vaccinate logo

HAMMOND – Southeastern Louisiana University is encouraging students to “Don’t Wait. Vaccinate!” with a new incentive plan.
     Southeastern President John L. Crain announced the incentives program to reward students who have taken the COVID-19 vaccine, and inspire those who have yet to do so, in a message to the student community on Tuesday.
     “We’ve launched ‘Don’t Wait. Vaccinate!’ in order to encourage more students to receive the vaccine. It’s very important that we have as many students vaccinated as possible,” Crain said. “I strongly encourage everyone to get the vaccine before returning to campus. This will help ensure a successful fall semester.”
     Fully vaccinated students are eligible to win one of 13 prizes in a series of drawings that begins Wednesday, Aug. 11, and continues through early November.
     Prizes include an all access semester meal plan, three priority parking passes for the 21/22 academic year, an iPad, Bose earbuds, an Apple Watch, a MacBook Pro and more.
     Students can win only one prize in the 12-week series of drawings, but all are eligible to win the final prize for the 13th drawing, which is a full spring semester scholarship. The Southeastern Foundation and Office of Auxiliary Services are supplying the “Don’t Wait. Vaccinate!” prizes.
     To participate, students must meet the following criteria:
     • have received the Johnson & Johnson one-dose COVID-19 vaccine or both doses of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 vaccines before the date of the drawing;
     • must be registered for classes for the fall 2021 semester;
     • must register themselves for the contest via the entry form;
     • and must provide proof of vaccination if received outside the state of Louisiana.
     More information, including the schedule of drawings and how to register, is available at
     All newly vaccinated students will receive a ticket for a free meal at the Mane Dish and, upon receiving the second dose of the vaccine, will receive a free Southeastern t-shirt with the new Lion Spirit Mark on it. Those receiving the Johnson and Johnson single dose vaccine will receive both items.
     Southeastern is one of eight Louisiana colleges and universities that has joined the COVID-19 College Vaccine Challenge.
     Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and the White House, the program encourages colleges and universities to launch efforts that increase vaccination rates among members of their campus communities.


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