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Southeastern continues to positively impact jobs and industry

Southeastern Louisiana University’s economic impact across the region is more than $1 billion annually, according to a study conducted by Lightcast, a company that provides colleges and universities with labor market data that help create better outcomes for students, businesses, and communities.

Tonya Lowentritt

April 4, 2024


HAMMOND – Southeastern Louisiana University’s economic impact across the region is more than $1 billion annually, according to a study conducted by Lightcast, a company that provides colleges and universities with labor market data that help create better outcomes for students, businesses, and communities. Lightcast measured the economic impacts created by Southeastern on the business community and the benefits the university generates in return for the investments made by its key stakeholder groups – students, taxpayers, and society.

Southeastern employs about 1,429 full-time and part-time faculty and staff, but the impact on those within the region doesn’t stop there. Through the university’s activities, 15,564 total jobs are supported and spending by the university’s more than 13,800 students has an extensive effect on businesses and the local economy to account for an approximate $19.6 million impact.

“As one of the area’s largest employers, Southeastern’s economic contributions are beyond measure,” said Southeastern President William S. Wainwright. “This report on Southeastern’s economic and community impacts illustrates our multi-faceted role in serving the people who live throughout our region, as we continue to lead the educational, economic and cultural development of southeast Louisiana.” 

Through operations ($144.2 million), research ($2.2 million), construction ($2.3 million), visitor ($2.5 million), and student spending ($19.6 million); spin-off companies ($29.6 million); student and employee volunteerism ($984,600) that helps organizations to grow; and retention of alumni in the regional workforce ($815.3 million), Southeastern adds $1 billion to the area economy.

A complete copy of the economic impact report is available online at

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