C. Howard Nichols

Photo Collection


Pix # Date of Pix Size of Pix No. of Pix Kind of Image Negative

1 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W Print none

2 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W Print none

Seven Oaks Mansion in ruins, but with its roof still on. It was located within an industrial tank farm in Westwego across the river from New Orleans. The majestic house was surrounded by a grove of seven live oaks and was distinguished by twenty-eight Doric columns, seven on each side, and by deep galleries. Through the years the house suffered greatly from neglect and from souvenir hunters and vandals, who stripped the interior of its fireplaces, molding, stairs, and flooring. The ruins were bulldozed in 1977.

3 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W Print none

4 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W Print none

5 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W Print none

Seven Oaks Mansion with just the columns standing.

6 unknown 8 x 10 1 B&W Print none

Three small wood houses.