Educational Opportunity Center

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Money Mondays

Hosted by the Educational Opportunity Center every Monday.

Private vs Federal Student Loans

Private loans are made by private organizations, such as banks, credit unions, and state-based or state-affiliated organizations. These have terms and conditions set by the lender. Private student loans are generally more expensive than federal student loans.

Federal student loans are made by the government, with terms and conditions set by law and include many benefits; such as fixed interest rates and income driven repayment plans not typically offered with private loans.

The Educational Opportunity Center is one of the eight TRIO programs. The Southeastern Louisiana University’s Educational Opportunity Center program is the first one to exist in Louisiana and has been around for over 26 years.

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Contact Us

Educational Opportunity Center
North Campus B, Room 171
SLU Box 10571
Hammond, LA 70402

Tel: 985-549-2955
Toll Free: 800-438-5490

Interim Director
Ferdinand Bezue