Remote Work and Learning to Continue Friday, January 24

Strategic Alliances & Links to Hispanic Organizations

Strategic Alliances & Links to Hispanic Organizations

To fulfill our goals and objectives, The Latin American Business Development Initiative,
through Southeastern’s College of Business, maintains important strategic alliances
that enable its academic and service objectives to advance with the Hispanic Community
in the United States and overseas.

Inter-American Development Bank.

Organization of the American States

The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Foundation

The Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Louisiana

National Council of La Raza

The World Trade of New Orleans


Louisiana Economic Development

The Latina University of Panama

Ministry of Labor, Panama

The Chamber of Industry of Costa Rica

The University of Costa Rica

Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica

C�mara de Comercio, Industrias y Agricultura de Panam�

J�venes Constructores de Paz, Cundinamarca Colombia

Universidad Libre, Colombia


Important Latin American Links

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin American Embassies and Consulates in United States

Summit of the Americas

Office of the United State Trade Representative

Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA-ALCA)

Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA)

North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)