University Approved Training Classes For Grounds Crew EEO Classification

University Approved Training Classes For Grounds Crew EEO Classification

Approved Training

Course  Course Description Prerequisites
CHEM 101 General Chemistry I Math ACT of 19 or Regis/credit for MATH 155 or 161
CHEM 102 General Chemistry II CHEM 101
CHEM 103 General Chemistry Lab I Reg/credit for CHEM 101
CHEM 104 General Chemistry Lab II Reg/credit for CHEM 102 & CHEM LAB 103
HS 133 Healthy Lifestyles for the 21st Century None
HORT 100 Consumer Horticulture None
HORT 261 Landscape Design None
HORT 328 Plant Propagation GBIO 151, 153, and Junior or Dept. Head Consent
HORT 412 Turf Management GBIO 151 and GBIO 153, and Junior Standing, or permission of the Department Head
 HORT 420 Greenhouse and Nursery Management HORT 232 or permission of the Department Head
LS 102 Intro to Information Research None
MATH 161 College Algebra Score of 21 Math Section of ACT, DVMA 92, or an appropriate score on the Developmental
Placement Test
SAFT 202 General Safety Education None
SPED 430/530 Manual Communication None
GBIO 151 General Biology I Eligible to enroll in ENGL 101 and MATH 155 or 161
BIOL 152 General Biology Lab I Reg/credit for GBIO 151 or 106
ZOO 309/509 General Entomology GBIO 153 & BIOL 154 & Junior standing or Dept. Head consent